Monday, June 13, 2016

What we know

We know pressure cookers can kill, knives can kill, baseball bats can kill, cars can kill, 2 x 4’s can kill, rope can kill, planes can kill, guns can kill and people using their hands can kill.  

So, in order to prevent terrorist acts, murders and other killings, we must ban all the above.  Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it?   Well, the bodies of the people murdered in Orlando weren’t even cold and the President, Hillary, Bernie and other socialist/Marxist democrats called for gun control instead of going out with full force and effect to destroy these terrorist groups such as ISIS and their headquarters in Raqqa Syria.   Just killing a leader here and there by drone has not worked.  If we bomb and storm Raqqa, our great leader is afraid there may be collateral damage.  Of, course killing 49 people in a nightclub in Orlando, in addition to the killings in San Bernardino, Ft. Hood and Chattanooga is not considered collateral damage from a terrorist act.  

The security company where this radical Islamic terrorist was employed did not fire Omar Mateen for fear there would be problems since he was a Muslim.  Political correctness raising its ugly head again.  I do not see Catholics, Jew, Hindu’s and other religious groups engaged in such terrorist attacks.  Only those that follow Satan, through radical Islamic terrorism.  God does not tell you to go out and kill non-believers of any religion, only radical wackos that have been doing this since the 7th century.  

By the way, the Orlando club was a gun free zone.  Imagine if 20 of the 300 plus patrons were legally carrying concealed weapons.  Imagine also if after government service you were not provided Secret Service protection.  I wonder if Hillary, Obama and the other anti-gun ilk would still be for taking guns away from citizens.  Hillary has had security protection since her husband was governor of Arkansas.  Don’t we all wish we had that gun protection?  Incidentally, wanting to take away so called assault weapons would just be the foot in the door for taking away all weapons from the citizens.  Citizens’ possessing a weapon is the fear of government.  Citizens’ having no weapons is the fear of people against government.  Remember Hillary wants to do what Australia has done, confiscate all weapons from citizens.  Of course, this did not prevent shootings.  Criminals will always find a way to get a weapon.  Law abiding citizens will not.   Case closed.

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