Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Sometimes, Silence is Golden and More

With the present two presidential candidates seeming to have reached the pinnacle of becoming their party’s nomination for president, it seems that they do not understand that sometimes, one should keep their mouth shut.  

For months now, we have heard Hillary responses to the ongoing Email and Clinton Criminal Foundation give answers that from what we know from the obvious violations of Federal laws, that this will haunt her through the campaign as well as when she gets interviewed by the FBI and others.  

As for Donald Trump, he does not seem to get it that at times one should zip the lips and even better, one should be seen and not heard.  We know, The Donald wants to run his mouth, but the old adage comes into play, if you have nothing intelligent to say, say nothing at all.   Again, The Donald should think before he speaks.  

When the economy is in the tank and has been for most of the Obama administration, when we see the labor participation rate the lowest in nearly 40 years, even though Obama and company touts 14 million jobs created and the unemployment number down to 4.7%.  However, if anyone looks into the unemployment numbers, one would realize that the real unemployment number is closer to 10%, since the labor dept. is counting people taking a part time job, working two part time jobs or working a full time and a part time job.  This is counted as fully employed or in the case of a full time and part time, as two jobs gained.  Middle income is down and the international situation is volatile, and yet The Donald runs is mouth on the Trump University and the Federal Judge overseeing the case.  I know it is difficult or nearly impossible for anyone to tell The Donald what he should focus on, but he better realize if he wants to win the presidency, he better start focusing on the issues Americans care about.  Hillary cannot defend her history or positions and this is where The Donald should be focused.  

The Middle East is screwed up, Europe is in decay due to all the migrants that have entered that they seem unable to control and most if not all of this problem goes back to Hillary and Obama working together to screw this up.  The Russian reset button, Libya government overthrow, Benghazi, Egypt allowing the Muslim Brotherhood to take control until the Egyptians rose up and threw them out, over the objection of the Obama Administration.  Withdrawal and reducing of our troops from Iraq and Afghanistan and least we forget, allowing Iran to get the nuclear weapon.  Something by the way, Obama wanted to counter the Israeli’s possession of nuclear weapons.  If you do not think so, think again and review Obama’s thinking where he is living his father’s dream on his hatred of Israel, England and the United States.  This thinking is the driving force behind Obama’s policies that Hillary wants to continue.  Of course, if any nation decides to donate money to the Clinton Criminal Foundation, this could change.  

As for Bernie Sanders, he is giving Hillary a run, but even if he won all the states in the democratic primary, he still would come up short since the primaries were designed to give Hillary the nomination through the Super Delegates.  However, Bernie has driven Hillary to the far left in her policies and like Bernie is pushing for $15 an hour, free college, medical care, and many more freebees.  But, these two think money grows on trees.  It seems they want to regulate how much money you can make and if they decide it is too much, they will take it from you.  You can only tax the rich so much before you must go after the middle class if one which’s to provide freebees.  Freebees are paid by the taxpayers and when there is not enough money to pay for them, the government must raise taxes.  Eventually, government cannot pay for all the freebees as we are witnessing today in Venezuela, where Ortega said government can provide and socialism took over.  Socialism has never worked, will never work as we see today.  But, those pushing this idea always claim it was never done right and their way of implementation will work.  The same old story that we have heard from the beginning of time.  Remember, as history has shown, the only people that benefit from socialism are the government bureaucrats that implement the program.  They, as we witness in Venezuela, have no problem with putting food on the table etc.   The people suffer and the bureaucrats survive.  We saw this in the former Soviet Union, today in Cuba and North Korea as well as China.  Meanwhile, Europe that embraced socialism as the answer, are now realizing their mistake, but it may be too late for them. 

In Europe, you get a job for life, 6 weeks’ vacation upon being hired, extensive sick leave that causes businesses to hire additional employees just to replace those that are on vacation or sick.  Something that businesses cannot afford if they wish to stay in business and this causes stagnate growth that we see today.  Some people never learn as the millennials in this country do not seem to understand.  Nothing is for free.  Somebody will always pay and in Bernie’s and Hillary’s vision, that is the taxpayer.  But, you better believe, Hillary and company will not be suffering, but we will.  Bureaucrats, will always make sure any policy implemented, will not adversely affect them. 

Wait, I think Congress is doing that already. 

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