Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Democrats, a party of racist

We listen to all the democrats claim that if you are against illegal immigration, support the British vote to leave the EU, you suffer from Islamophobia, xenophobia and racism.

Now the truth be known, the KKK were all members of the Democratic Party and not only murdered blacks but also those who were white and either supported the blacks or voted republican.  It was also the democrats who blocked any legislation over the years that would have benefited blacks.  It was also democratic President Woodrow Wilson, who promoted racism and stopped integration in the military.  Since the 1860’s, all attempts by Congress for civil rights legislation was defeated by the democrats.  It was not until Pres. Lyndon Johnson with support of republicans, was able to past the 1964 civil rights act.  Previous attempts by other presidents including Eisenhower and JFK were rejected by the democratic controlled congress. 

The Republican Party was not the party of racist, and the first blacks elected to Congress were all republicans in 1870, over the objections, you guessed it, the democrats.  They were Benjamin Turner of Alabama, Robert De Large of South Carolina, Josiah Walls of Florida, Jefferson Long of Georgia, Joseph Hayne Rainey of South Carolina, Robert Brown Elliot of South Carolina and then there was the first black elected to the Senate, Hiram Rhodes Revels who took the seat of Jefferson Davis from Mississippi.  Irony? This really inflamed the democrats, who did their best to stop the elections as they tried with all these black representatives but to no avail.  The second black elected to the senate was Blanche Kelso Bruce also in Mississippi.  It is interesting to note the population of Mississippi was 440,000 blacks and 385,000 whites with all the blacks being republicans.  But the democrats did their best to block blacks from voting by all means from unable to pay a toll tax, to improper identification, proof of birth, death etc.    

So, why you may ask do blacks predominately vote democrat today.  Simple, they have been fed a bunch of lies and untruths and the democrats have made the blacks believe the Republican Party is anti-black.  And those elected blacks that know the truth use this to further their power and money to the dismay of the blacks that elected them.  Unless you know history of blacks in America, you can be told lie after lie and believe the lies, especially when told by other blacks.  Today, conservative blacks are much maligned for fear by the democrats and liberal news media that other blacks will actually get it.

By the way, all these black republicans that were elected were all self-educated and if you know anything about history, being black and being educated in the south was a sure way to the hanging tree.  

Know the true history of our country and you will understand the lies these democrats such as Obama, Hillary, Pelosi, Biden, Reid and others are telling the voters. The first black democrat elected to Congress was in 1935, and that was not from the south, but from Illinois, a northern state, not something the democrats wanted.  The two first blacks elected to Congress were Barbara Jordan of Texas and Andrew Young of Georgia in 1973.  But, this was only accomplish after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the gerrymandered districts that southern democrats has drawn to prohibit blacks from being elected.  That was 100 years after the first black republicans were elected.  So, who is the party of racist?

So, contrary to what you may hear from democrats and the liberal news media, the Democratic Party is the real party of racism and their party history proves that.  The democrats are good at using the racism tag against anyone who objects to unrestrained illegal immigration, radical Islamic terrorism, supporters of the 2nd Amendment and law enforcement.  I could go on, but you get the picture. 

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