Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Saul Alinsky Model. You think this is happening today?

Saul Alinsky died about 43 years ago, but his writings influenced those in political control of our nation today...  
Recall that Hillary did her college thesis on his writings and Obama writes about him in his books.
Died: June 12, 1972, Carmel-by-the-Sea, Ca
Education: University of Chicago
Spouse: Irene Alinsky
Books: Rules for Radicals, Reveille for Radicals
Anyone out there think that this stuff isn't happening today in the U.S.? 
All eight rules are currently in play.
How to create a social state by Saul Alinsky:
There are eight levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a social state. The first is the most important.
1) Healthcare– Control healthcare and you control the people
2) Poverty – Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing  everything for them to live.
3) Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
4) Gun Control– Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.
5) Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income)
6) Education – Take control of what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school.
7) Religion – Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools
8) Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.
Does any of this sound like what is happening to the United States?
Alinsky merely simplified Vladimir Lenin's original scheme for world conquest by communism, under Russian rule.
Stalin described his converts as "Useful Idiots." 
The Useful Idiots have destroyed every nation in which they have seized power and control.
It is presently happening at an alarming rate in the U.S.
  If  people  can read this and still say everything is just fine… they are “useful idiots.
"It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere."

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

NSA Spying Again on Citizens

So now we hear that NSA was not only spying on political leaders from other countries, but members of Congress who were in conversations with Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel.  So why are we not surprised by this?  We know all countries whether friend or foe spy on each other, but now we know our government spies on our elected officials.  Of course this goes back to the 1990’s during the Clinton administration when we had FBI File Gate.  That was when it was reported Hillary Clinton had approximately 400 FBI files, but could not be found, when suddenly they showed up on a dining room table.  Of course those files were members of the political opposition, AKA Republicans.  So, spying on political opposition in this country has only gotten worse as we have seen with NSA, IRS scandals in the Obama administration.  We saw what happen with Pres. Nixon and Watergate, but God forbid we mention the impeachment with Obama.  You will be called a racist. When government starts spying on its citizens, we do not have a Republic, but a socialist/Marxist government and out constitution with all its freedoms is lost.  Unless, the people become outraged and demand prosecution of anyone involved in these actions, it will only get worse.  So far, have you heard of any prosecutions in the Obama administration?  I don’t think so.  As politicians get away with such activities, it will only get worse.  As I have said numerous times, our great president was raised by members of the communist party, (His grandparents, mentor, Frank Marshal Davis and of course his mother as well as radical terrorist Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dorn).  Hillary was an admirer of Saul Alinsky, and both Hillary and Obama supported Cloward and Piven policies.   All believed in overthrowing the United States through internal actions by disrupting the system, riots and demonstrations and political action that included getting elected or appointed to government positions.  Of course we also know that Hillary has continually lied on the Benghazi debacle and has the support of her fellow democrats.   But, nearly 80 of these democrats have been supported by communist front organizations since the 1960’s.  Just do a little research and find out yourself.  The truth is out there, but it does require a little research on your part.  Borrowing from Fox News, I am reporting, but you must research to verify.  Remember former Congressman Alan West made the same allegations when he was in Congress and it seems nobody did the research.  Now you better or you will lose your country.  If you think it is no big deal to lose your Bill of Rights, just look at Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, North Korea and China and visualize what will happen to you. 

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Christmas, Jesus and Allah

As Christmas approaches and Christians around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus that came into the world to save us from sin and preached “love thy neighbor” but was crucified for his preaching since he was a threat to the powers that be during that time period. 

Seven hundred years later, we have a person known as Mohammed, who claimed God (Allah) spoke to him and what we saw was the slaughter of thousands of non-believers as this religions known as Islam marched across the Middle East bringing death, destruction to many.  So, Jesus comes into the world preaching peace and Mohammed comes into the world claiming Allah wants world destruction for those that will not accept his concept of religion.  Of course that concept requires exploitation of women, rape, beheading, stoning dismemberment and more.  In addition, one can marry a 9 year old.  Now, in today’s society, anyone that attempted to do that would be called a pedophile.  But, under Islam it is acceptable.  And ISIS has the audacity to call us out for not accepting their beliefs.  Well, Christians, Jews and other religious organizations see them for what they are: Satan followers and are attempting to get the world to bow down to Satan and not God.  Jesus came in peace, Allah claims, follow me or be slaughtered.  Again your choice.  Defend your liberty and freedom of religion, or join evil.  Evil must be defeated.  But we know our great leader seems to think otherwise. I guess, if terrorist went out and started to destroy golf courses, we might see a more aggressive response.    

Hillary vs. Trump

So now we hear Hillary Clinton calling Donald Trump a bully to women.  This is interesting as Hillary tries to corner the women vote in the election.  However, if Hillary was to win this election, (God Forbid), we would have the return of the worst abuser of women known to man as the first man in the White House.  Of course while former President Clinton was scouring the White House for female companionship (sex), Hillary did not come out in defense of all the women that were complaining about Bill’s unwanted sexual advances.  But, Hillary defended her husband from this right wing conspiracy.  Of course, Bill was in the oral office, not a republican.  So, Bill abused women and Hillary did not speak out, but now she will.  Hypocritically?   Decide for yourself.   

Monday, December 21, 2015

Coming to a neighborhood near you

This is why you must speak out and remember this coming election.  It is not be a racist, it is protecting our constitution and country from those that want to destroy us.  Donald Trump was right, just did not express his thoughts correctly.  We are allowing the UN to dictate what immigrants we allow into this country.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Destructiveness of Liberalism

If case you are living in the twilight zone, you must realize that liberalism is destroying this country through pushing political correctness.

It was shocking to learn this week that our immigration program with the assistance of DHS and our embassies, is considered to be offensive to actually look into social media (Facebook Twitter and others) to investigate whether those applying for a visa are broadcasting their allegiance with terrorism or other associated groups.  But, if a U.S. citizen applies for a job, your will understand that the future employer will be reviewing your online activities as part of their application process.   Or write a letter to a political leader, government official criticizing their actions, you can rest assured the FBI, DHS, and NSA and maybe the IRS will produce a dossier on you.  But, God forbid if we even attempt to review those foreigners that are trying to come into this country, you will be called a bigot, racist or if the applicant is a Muslim, even worst, suffering from Islamophobia.  So, as a result of this policy, 14 people were killed in San Bernardino and 22 wounded.  So, if you are a member of the Obama administration, you would say your policies are working and the death of Americans is the price you must pay in order to have political correctness. 
Although I am not a supporter of Trump, he was correct to say we should suspend our visa process, but he should have indicated that this should apply to those countries where radical terrorist are living or fighting.  That is approximately 32 countries.   So, if we cannot investigate one terrorist immigrant involved in the San Bernardino shooting because of political correctness, how are we going to review 10,000 plus Syrian refugees, most if not all are Muslims.  Under Obama’s unwritten policies, Christians need not apply. 
And, we might add, Hillary Clinton has stated she supports Obama’s policies.  So, if Hillary gets elected, God forbid, our country will be destroyed.   Just the other day, it was reported that at a public school in Brooklyn, N.Y. (PS 189) the principal did not want to call Thanksgiving holiday, Thanksgiving and no Santa Claus, since that is religious (really) or say the Pledge of Allegiance since some may find that offensive.  Excuse me, if you are in this country for our freedoms and you find our flag, patriotic songs and certain holidays offensive, then you should move to another country where you will not have freedom. 
This is why these radicals with their political correctness are going to destroy this country.  Also, if Muslims believe we should have Sharia Law in this country, my advice is to pack your bags and move back to the Middle East.  If the PC crowd believe this is Islamophobia, yes I am suffering from Islamophobia because our constitution is the law of the land, not a radical religion that follows Satan.  But, President Obama is trying to destroy this country with his immigration policies and he is pushing this policies since he has only 13 months to go in office.  This is his transformation of the U.S. that he indicated 2008.  Just listen to his speeches and change the word transformation to destroy and you will understand his policies.  He wants us to be like Europe and we see how that is working out for Europe.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

The real meaning of Christmas

As we are in the midst of the Christmas season, we must not get lost on what we really celebrate on this day.  It is not Santa Claus, but the birth of Jesus that all Christians believe.  So, while many of us get lost in the Santa Claus hoopla, we should put down our machines for a few minutes and take a long look on what we are doing and what is happening around us and the world.  Remember, Christ was born on Christmas to save us all from Satan’s power.  And Satan has risen up with his armies in the Middle East as the followers of Allah (Satan) continue doing what they have been doing for 1400 years. 

In WWI and WWII, our country turned to God for help and even though things may have looked or turned bad at times, in the end, we were successful in defeating evil.  For those of us who believe God is the answer and knew that is what we as a country must do. 

The world and our country needs to turn back to God as we have done during our entire existence.  If you know anything about the history of this country, and do a quality research, you will see that God has been the central focus in our country.  According to all records of the French/Indian war, George Washington should have been killed as he was riding in battle, but through Diving Providence, he avoided being killed.  During the revolutionary war, many times his life was in danger, but he again, through Divine Providence, he escaped capture and being killed in conflicts.  Our Founding Fathers believed they were being guided in their decisions by Divine Providence and that is why God is mentioned in our Declaration of Independence and constitution and our motto “In God we Trust”.

But today, if seems God has been put on the back burner as we see church attendance declining.  Yet, right after 9/11, churches were crowded as people were scared.  Well, with what we are witnessing today, people better be scared again as these radical Islamic terrorist are not only creating havoc in the Middle East and Europe, but rest assured it will come here, except for our president and his administration who believe everything is workplace violence, isolated gun violence, or isolated incidents.  But, then again it has come here with the 1993 World Trade center bombing, 9/11, Fort Hood, Chattanooga, San Bernardino, underwear bomber and much more that our great leader believes is not terror related, but may be related to global warming. 

But have no fear because ISIS and the other radical terrorist organizations will be gone within a month as an agreement has been made on global warming that we all know will end world hunger, violence, terrorism and everyone will have a job and food will be plentiful.  This is what Obama and his minions believe and if you do, I know a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.   





A history of how peaceful Islam is.

The war started in the 7th century and lasted through the 17th
century.  Most people would contend it never stopped; but,
historically the facts below are correct.

This is why I choke when I hear someone say we will defeat, or
contain, these Islamic terrorists in a few years or even 30 years as
recently stated by Leon Panetta.

If the latest batch of murders, beheadings, and killing of innocent
Christians has shocked you, maybe you should read this compilation of
historical facts about the hatred of Muslims.

This is all factually (and historically) correct - and verifiable:

In 732 A.D. the Muslim Army, which was moving on Paris, was defeated
and turned back at Tours, France, by Charles Martell.

In 1571 A.D. the Muslim Army/Navy was defeated by the Italians and
Austrians as they tried to cross the Mediterranean to attack southern
Europe in the Battle of Lapano.

 In 1683 A.D. the Turkish Muslim Army, attacking Eastern Europe, was
finally defeated in the Battle of Vienna by German and Polish Christian Armies.

This has been going on for 1,400 years and many politicians don't even
know it.

If these battles had not been won, we might be speaking Arabic and
Christianity could be non-existent; Judaism certainly would not exist.


A lot of Americans have become so insulated from reality that they
imagine that America can suffer defeat without any inconvenience to
themselves. Pause a moment and reflect back.

These events are actual events from history.  They really happened!
Do you remember and understand?

1.    In 1968, Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed by a Muslim male.

2.    In 1972, at the Munich Olympics, athletes were kidnapped and
massacred by Muslim males.

3.    In 1972, a PanAm 747 was hijacked and eventually diverted to
Cairo where a fuse was lit on final approach. Shortly after landing it
was blown up by Muslim males.

4.   In 1973, a PanAm 707 was destroyed in Rome, with 33 people
killed, when it was attacked with grenades by Muslim males.

5.    In 1979, the US embassy in Iran was taken over by Muslim males.

6.   During the 1980's a number of Americans were kidnapped in Lebanon
by Muslim males.

7.    In 1983, the US Marine barracks in Beirut was blown up by Muslim males.

8.   In 1985, the cruise ship, Achille Lauro, was hijacked and a
70-year old American passenger was murdered and thrown overboard in
his wheelchair by Muslim males.

9.   In 1985, TWA flight 847 was hijacked at Athens and a US Navy
diver trying to rescue passengers was murdered by Muslim males.

10. In 1988, PanAm Flight 103 was bombed by Muslim males.

11.  In 1993, the World Trade Center was bombed the first time by Muslim males.

12. In 1998, the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by Muslim males.

13. On 9/11/01, four airliners were hijacked; two were used as
missiles to take down the World Trade Centers and of the remaining
two, one crashed into the US Pentagon and the other was diverted and
crashed by the passengers.  Thousands of people were killed by Muslim

14. In 2002, the United States fought a war in Afghanistan against Muslim males.

15. In 2002, reporter Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and beheaded by - you
guessed it - a Muslim male. (Plus, two other American journalists were
just recently beheaded).

16. In 2013, the Boston Marathon Bombing resulted in 4 Innocent
people, including a child, being killed plus 264 people injured by
Muslim males.

No, Obama, I really don't see a pattern here to justify profiling.  Do

So, to ensure we Americans never offend anyone, particularly fanatics
intent on killing us, airport security screener's will no longer be
allowed to profile certain people.

So, ask yourself, "Just how stupid are we???"

Absolutely, No Profiling! They must conduct random searches of
80-year-old women, little kids, airline pilots with proper
identification, secret agents who are members of the Obama's security
detail, 85-year-old Congressmen with metal hips, and Medal of Honor
winner and former Governor Joe Foss,

BUT....... leave Muslim Males alone lest we be guilty of profiling.

Ask yourself, "Just how stupid are we?  Have the American people
completely lost their minds or just their Power of Reason???"

As the writer of the award winning story "Forrest Gump" so aptly put
it: "Stupid Is As Stupid Does."

Use each opportunity that you have to send this to a friend or media outlet...

Do It! Or just sit back, keep griping, and do nothing.

As Obama said in his book:

"Nothing sounds so beautiful as the Muslim evening prayers from the tower."

A video on Obama Lies

A video like no other

I would like to thank whoever made this video


Saturday, December 12, 2015

Hillary Clinton, Liar Extraordinare’

We all remember the Benghazi Libya attack where 4 Americans were killed including Ambassador Stevens.  We also remember how at that time, UN Ambassador Susan Rice went out on the TV networks and claimed the attack was the result of a video nobody ever heard of.  We also might remind others that Hillary Clinton did not want to go out on television and give this story, so Susan Rice was selected.  We all remember that Hillary Clinton and Obama stood in front of the White House and made the same statement.  We all remember while in the airplane hangar when the coffins of the four deceased Americans were returned, Hillary Clinton gave a speech talking about this video “that we had nothing to do about”.   We all remember the families of the four deceased Americans being told about this video being the cause of this attack and that the government would make sure the producer of this video will be taken into custody and put in jail.  Of course, not for producing this video, but for violating his parole.  Something the average person would not be put away for a year.  But, he was. 

Now, as a result of another Email release, Hillary Clinton is now claiming she never told the four families the Benghazi victims was due to a video.  Yet, the whole world heard her say that.  It was the excuse that dragged on for months.  But telling lies by Hillary Clinton is nothing new.  She has been lying since she was removed from the Watergate Commission for lying.  In fact, the next time Hillary Clinton tells the truth will be the first time.  Yet the democrats cannot see pass the tip of their nose when it comes to protecting Hillary Clinton regardless of how many lies she tells.  This is what happens when you select the candidate you want to run, rather than have an open primary with many choices like the republicans.  Whether you like the republicans or not, at least they are offering choices even though the establishment republicans would prefer a candidate they can control and Trump, Cruz, Carson and Fiorina are candidates they will not control.  So, if by some freak of nature, Hillary Clinton was elected president, she would be the first president to take the oath of office from Leavenworth.  Then again, a felony conviction would prevent one from becoming president.  But, what the heck, we elected someone who was never actually vetted by the media and we elected him twice.  I just hope the American voter wakes up before it is too late.  We still want to know what Hillary Clinton accomplished as Secretary of State.  We know we are witnessing the world going up in flames as a result of her policies or lack thereof.  I would like to link Obama to these failed policies, but he is taking his orders from Valerie Jarrett.  But then again, maybe all three are responsible. 


Friday, December 11, 2015

Paul Ryan

For those who thought that with the departure of John Boehner as House leader things would change, you now have Paul Ryan, a John Boehner on steroids.   Paul Ryan is going to work with the other weak link in senate, Mitch Mc Connell, and pass all the legislation conservatives thought would not happen under Paul Ryan.  So, the more you think things change, the more they remain the same.   You were screwed with Boehner and you have to bend over and do it all over again, at least and hopefully until we have a conservative republican in the White House.  Although, I will admit, black lives matter may be protesting the name White House as being a racial term.  Naturally, the liberal news media will take their marching orders and call the president’s residence something else.  Maybe even the president’s residence.  There, I just solved the problem before it comes up.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Jihad, Islam, Quran, ISIS, Obama and Trump

For those that did not or have not read any part of the Quran, it would increase your knowledge on why Muslims around the world are attacking the West and Western values. 

It all starts with Jihad that means Holy War.  Islam is another name for submission and the Quran is the book Muslims follow and believe in what the Quran preachers in at least 79 sections that to be a good Muslim you must either kill infidels, (Non-Believers), kill the husbands, rape the women and children to produce more Muslims that will continue this Jihad indefinitely or until all the world is Muslim.  ISIS and the other radical groups are actually following what the Quran teaches and contrary to what the liberals and Obama may claim, Islam is not a religion of peace.  It is either submit or be killed.  So, when Obama preaches Islam as a religion of peace, he is promoting the rhetoric that they (Muslims) want you to believe while they attack and destroy. 

What you may have forgotten is that Obama was raised a Muslim and many believe he is still a Muslim, but on a temporary leave from Islam while he pursues the transformation of our country. Which by the way, is acceptable as written in the Quran.  He is always defending Islam and attacks other religions or tries to claim other religions displayed the same violence.  But what he does not tell you is that Islam has been following this violence since it’s founding in the 6th century.  If any other religion was doing what Obama claims, it has not done so in hundreds of years. 

Now we listen to all media and operators of social web sites condemn Trump for his comments, but we are not hearing condemnation of Islam for preaching such hateful rhetoric where life is cheapen and all these massed killings are done in the name of God.  It appears these media people are attempting to placate these terrorist in the hope they will not be targeted.  However, they must accept responsibility for what they report or do not report.  Initially, after the San Bernardino attack, we were hearing how close (1.5 miles) a Planned Parenthood facility was or what right wing group did these individuals belong too.  Immediately after such mass shootings, the mainstream media immediately without knowing the facts, attempt to claim this is a right wing attack.  This always their first report followed by the push for gun control.  When the truth finally comes out, they remain silent.  In the recent shooting, they try to claim that the shooters were just two people and are not associated with any group, cell or organization.  We are not hearing this is not correct, but the media insist on pursuing their agenda and not tell it like it is, that Islam is the problem in what it tells their followers to do and the rewards in heaven that awaits them.  All I can say is, these suicide terrorist had better be wearing sunblock 3000 where they are going. 

As for gun control, if these idiots want that, then they should try to have an amendment to the constitution to repeal the 2nd Amendment.  But, remember, when the people are armed, we have a democracy, and when the people are disarmed, we have government tyranny.  So said Thomas Jefferson and he and the other Founders knew that based on their experience with King George III. As many law enforcement people have said recently, “The best defense against a criminal with a gun, is a good citizen with a gun”. 
Sites to visit:  Approximately 14 minutes.  Must listen to this video, if nothing else.

Chicago, the Mayor, Police and Demonstrators

It appears the demonstrators in Chicago are not happy with the Mayor, the State attorney and the police department.  Well, all I can say, is you get what you vote for.  Chicago have been voting democratic since the time of Caesar and since only one party is running Chicago, what do you expect.  The democrats make promises they know they cannot keep and if they do, it bankrupts the city.  As we also see, the city is deeply in debt and so is the state. 

Even the teachers union is suing the city since they are being asked to pay 7.5% of their salary into their pension. Now we know the teachers are some of if not the highest paid teachers in the country.  Since the city was not putting money as required into the pension system there appears to be a problem on paying retirees. We might also add, the Chicago schools are also some of the worst in the country.  Then again, their crime rate may be the highest in any city in the country.  But again, I say, you get what you vote for.  The democrats are great in making terrific promises and but eventually as with all socialist governments, you run out of money. 
If by some freak of nature, the mayor was to resign, the city would still get another democratic politician who will continue the policies of the last 70 years.  Since the city council is also dominated by democrats, you cannot expect anything else.  The state elects a republican governor, but the legislature is still controlled by the democrats.  So, nothing changes, except maybe less dead people are voting.  But, we cannot be sure on that either. 
Will Obama throw Rahm Emanuel, the mayor a bone, a life preserver or throw him under the bus?  Depends on the political situation.  That is, he could encourage him to resign, especially since Loretta Lynch (Eric Holder in a skirt) and the DOJ are going to investigate the police department, and then Obama can take the credit for listening to Chicagoans.  Will this be a thorough, well investigated event, or is the DOJ just going through the motion. 
We must remember, Obama was brought up into this corruption.  That may explain a lot.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Understanding Obama and his democratic party

If you find it difficult why our great leader and his administration will not use the phrase, ‘Radical Islamic Terrorism”, and why the democrats continually push for gun control, then I strongly recommend you read “The Enemies Within”, by Trevor Loudon.  You will realize what you are witnessing has been planned for many years and that is the targeted decline of our country that began in the 1960’s.  And we might add, who was great friends with our great leader, none other then that great radical terrorist Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadette Dorn. 
Remember, as I have indicated before, our great leader’s grandparents, were card carrying members of the communist party and introduced our great leader to his mentor Frank Marshal Davis who was a communist and founder of a communist newspaper in Chicago and Valarie Jarrett’s father was an admirer of Frank Marshal Davis.  The FBI had and probably still has a thick file on Frank M. Davis.  Valarie Jarrett is the close adviser to our great leader and has been living in the White House since the Obama’s moved in and is the one who is making all the decisions. 
Our great leader promised a transformation of our country and he and his socialist/Marxist democrats are pursuing that with great zeal.  In fact, the 2016 election is going to be our last free election in which we will actually have a choice between socialism, Marxism or Capitalism.  The future of our country is at stake and if you do not know or realize this, you better wake up quickly.  Just, sit back and review what has been happening over the past 7 years of our great leader’s administration and you will see what I am talking about.  We had, Fast and Furious, designed to push control in this country that failed.  IRS targeting conservative groups, companies and corporations.  The DOJ going after conservative groups and states that were and are fighting against our great leader’s executive orders and agency rules and regulations. 
 These are just a few of what this administration is doing and you thought this only took place in the former Soviet Union, today’s Russia, Cuba, Venezuela and other South American countries where socialism has taken hold and where these countries see their economy fail.  Government control is what our great leader and his fellow socialist/Marxist democrats are doing their best to implement and our constitution be dammed.  The choice is yours.  Either continue to sleep and wake up in a different country or stand up and fight back.  Socialism, Marxism and communism has failed where ever it has been tried.  What is does bring is the government telling you how to live and what you can and cannot do, except for those in power who enjoy the great life. 

Friday, December 4, 2015

God does not tell you to kill

Any person that believes their religion encourages you to kill those who do not follow their religious beliefs is not following God but Satan.  Anyone with half a brain knows there is only one God (at least most of us) that may be called by many names in different religions.  But, these radical Islamic terrorist believe their God tells them to kill non-believers, while all other religions, at far as I know, do not.  Now, this is a warp interpretation of the Quran in today’s world (Going back to the 6th Century) even if such verses are indeed in the Quran.  Many Muslims do not follow this type of interpretation we are being told, but as some have indicated in the past few days, there may be upwards of 25% of the Islamic believers that do or are sympathetic to such thinking.  So, that means we are looking at upwards of 300 to 400 million people.  But, because of political correctness that has become so pervasive in our society, we are told if we say anything we are Islamophobic.  Well, I guess I am Islamophobic as well as Obamaphobic.  Both are attempting to destroy this country. 

This attack in San Bernardino was and is a terrorism act as the facts are coming out.  Yet, many socialist/Marxist democrats as well as our great leader and his administration still will not say those three magic words, “Radical Islamic Terrorism”.  Of course, if VP Joe Biden was saying this, he would say it was two magic words.  
These socialist still believe gun control will stop these type of attacks.  Why do we continue to elect or appoint these brain dead people?  This is the Obama agenda before he leaves office and voters fail to get it.  Disarm America and we are at the mercy of government, criminals and terrorist.  Just think, on all the mass shootings during the Obama administration, what the result could have been if some those present had been carrying a concealed weapon.  When you are in such a situation, and your life may end, having a weapon to defend yourself is what you wish you had.  How, many victims of all these shootings may have thought that?  We will never know.  Pacifism will not work in these situations.  Neither will political correctness.

Drone IED Attacks

We have seen from the attack in San Bernardino an acceleration in how these terrorist are prepping for their attacks. The use of IED’s are coming from the battlefield to our homeland.  IED’s are now being incorporated into children’s electronic toys and other electronic devices that can be used to explode bombs.  Cellphones can still be used to explode these devices and now think about another device that can be used, drones.  Why?   Well, you do not have to be concerned about being searched at a sporting event, holiday event or any event where a multitude of people congregate.  Sport stadiums, parades etc. 

As we have been hearing in the news media how Amazon is considering delivering packages to homes using drones.  Granted, they will not be delivering TV’s or other heavier devices, although many flat screen devices are below 40 lbs.   But I digress from the topic at hand.  I do not know how heavy an IED would be, but drones are growing larger and more powerful, but still small enough for the average person to use for whatever they use them for.  So, this is something for law enforcement as well as all citizens to consider and be alert for if they see people testing drones to carry packages.  If you see something, say something.  Just like in WWII, “Loose lips sink ships”, we must be alert to what we see and hear, even if we are uncertain.  Better to be wrong and report, than not report and see what happened in San Bernardino.  “Better safe than sorry”. 
Using the logic of the socialist/Marxist Democrats and our great leader, Obama, we may have to stop the sale of cellphones, drones, pipes, knives, machetes, automobiles, electronic toys as well as numerous other items that can be used to kill.  As illogically this sounds, think about what the democrats and Obama and his Marxist buddies are saying.  We must have gun control.  No, and we mean none of the proposed gun control regulations proposed would have prevented any of the mass shootings we have witnessed over the past 7 years. 
The way to combat these jihadist terrorist that want to attack us in our country is to be trained in the use of firearms, secure a carry permit and be prepared just in case.  Unless you are properly trained as the military and law enforcement or have attended numerous training, carrying a concealed weapon is used to protect you and your family in the event you cannot escape a shooting event.  Also, if you drink, don’t carry.  Drinking and carry don’t mix.
If you know the history of this country, you know why we have the 2nd Amendment.  Thanks to King George III, British troops were confiscating weapons from the colonist to prevent a revolt.  Our founders knew that when government removes weapons from its citizens, government has no fear of the citizens.  That is the short version.  Remember, Hitler required all German citizens to register their guns so they could get guns out of the hands of criminals and those with mental health issues.  (Like Hitler did not have mental health issues)  Then he decided for German safety to have all guns removed from the Jews.  Then after the Jews, he removed guns from other Germans.  Once the population was disarmed, we know what happened.  The European countries have strict gun control laws and we know that has not worked.  Criminals and terrorist will always secure a weapon and if we are forced to register our weapons, it is only a matter of time that they are taken away from us using any regulation they can think of to eventually disarm society.  Now you may have a better understanding why we have the 2nd Amendment.  Our Founding Fathers knew.  God bless them.  If you do not think that this is the agenda of the socialist/Marxist democrats and our great leader, you may have been living on another planet.  Wake up. 

Thursday, December 3, 2015

San Bernardino Shooting/Facts so far

So, before the shooting victims even hit the floor, our great leader, President Obama, comes out with his usual political rhetoric for gun control.   So, before any facts are known, and rather than offer prayers to the victims, he talks about gun control. As usual, he speaks out before knowing the facts just like he did in Cambridge Mass. where the police acted stupidly, or Ferguson Mo., Baltimore, Charlotte, Ft. Hood and all the other shootings.  His ideology always gets in the way of the facts. 
Anyone with half a brain (Sorry Obama) knows that if you enter a building fully equipped with bulletproof vest, rifles, handguns and in dressed appropriately, this is a well-planned attack and not workplace violence.  In addition having pipe bombs in your car and in your home and engaged in activity in your home late at night, this attack is not workplace violence. 
So, if the liberals, socialist/Marxist Democratic Party wants gun control, then they better ban knives, machetes, iron pipes that can be used to make pipe bombs and the small battery operated toy cars that these two shooters had in their home to use as bomb carriers.  That is correct.  Used to transport small bombs under buses, cars or other public locations. 
All the facts on this shooting is not being reported as this investigation is ongoing and if this was just workplace violence, we would know much more which tells you how this investigation is expanding. But we do know he went to Saudi Arabia and married a Saudi women.  Another Saudi connection as we had with 9/11 and Boston bombing. 
While this investigation is ongoing, I would recommend you get yourself properly trained in the use of a firearm and/or rifle and f you can purchase a weapon, secure it in a safe for family safety.  Then go out and join the NRA to protect your 2nd Amendment rights.  If the liberals want gun control, then start the procedure to repeal the 2nd Amendment as described in the constitution.  Next time you hear a liberal talk gun control, ask them why they are not pushing for repeal of the 2nd Amendment.  You cannot legislate your 2nd Amendment rights away, although the liberals will try. 
This is Radical Islamic Terrorism and do not let anyone tell you differently.  By the way, this past Thanksgiving weekend in Chicago, 84 people were shot and 15 killed.  Yet, we have not heard Obama, Clinton, Sanders and O’Malley crying for gun control in Chicago.  But you can rest assured Obama was using his prayer rug yesterday asking for more directions on how to destroy this country. 
Obama promised to transform our country and he is doing just that.  Over $19 Trillion debt, reducing all branches of our military while the world is on fire and we are threatened by Radical Islamic Terrorist and encouraging civil unrest with his comments whether it is black lives matter or police shootings and using the IRS, FBI EPA and NSA among other government agencies to attack his political enemies.  A government out of control.  2016 will be our last free election.  Hope we survive. 







Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Buffoon, Climate Change, ISIS

If you listened to the president’s speech from Paris today, you saw a rambling somewhat incomprehensible speech that left one with only one response.  And that is: “What the hell was he talking about”.  He stumbled on the meeting discussions on global warming and became incomprehensible on how he was combating or going to combat ISIS and terrorism in general.  He considers himself a leader especially on how he has taken the initiative on global warming and a leader in fighting ISIS in how he has not committed the military to engage ISIS.  That required leadership.  Meanwhile, ISIS increases continues building their Caliphate, continues to slaughter, rape, behead, stone or just kill non-believers, but our president considers himself a leader.

Some claim ISIS and ISIS sympathizers compose only 10% of the Muslim population. If that has any truth, that means approximately 130 million Muslims.  Something else to think about. 

Of course, the reporters threw soft ball questions and nobody questioned the president on how volcanic activity has contributed more to pollutants in the atmosphere than man in over 200 years or how he as a leader can prevent or reduce volcanic activity.  Now a person with common sense knows this cannot be done, but the lamestream media still believes our president walks on water and can change the climate at will.  
Hopefully, Congress will not approve any of these ridiculous regulations that our buffoon wants us to implement or budget any money to enforce these regulation.  We know, our president will make sure that the EPA will issue new regulations that are going to continue to stifle our economy and jobs.  We will see more businesses and states taken this administration and agencies into court to prevent enforcement of these regulations.   

In essence, our president’s speech was morose, rambling, and mostly incomprehensible on facts and out of touch with reality.  The greatest threat to world peace, is not global warming but ISIS and other associated groups that are attempting to create a Caliphate and kill and destroy anyone, anything that stands in their way.  Global warming has not caused ISIS or unrest in the Middle East.  If tomorrow, we all stopped using fossil fuels, ISIS would still be growing, terrorism would be on the increase, migrants would still be fleeing the Middle East and our buffoon under the guidance of Al Gore would embark on another issue. 

Our buffoon’s lack of attention and commitment to prevent ISIS and our retreating from the world has been the biggest impetus to the rise of terrorism.  We can only hope and pray that we will survive until 12 noon on January 20th 2017.  Contrary to what the lamestream media may claim, prayers still work.  By the way, in case you never learned anything on Carbon Dioxide, carbon dioxide is what makes everything green and what we exhale from our lungs.
In listening to president's ramblings, I must question his mental stability.  What is he thinking?  What planet is he living on?  Where has he been for the past 7 years?  Does he really hate this country that much that he is oblivious to what may happen in our country and the world?  One answer is we know he grew up and was taught a dislike for this country.  Look at it that way, and you may understand why he does what he does.