Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Joe Biden denied Holy Communion in a Catholic Church in SC and more.

The Catholic Church is a strong advocate of pro-life and this is reflected throughout the history of the church.  It has long taught that to receive the Sacraments of the Church one must be in communion with the church teachings.  We know that catholic politicians like to say that they do not wish to impose their beliefs on others and that is why they would support abortion legislation, even though they are opposed to abortion.  But, they then allow others who are strong supporters of abortion to impose their beliefs.  One cannot have it both ways.  You are either for or against abortion.  But we know politicians always like to use fancy rhetoric on just about any issue to avoid a definite answer pro or con. 

So, Joe Biden also claims as others in his party that abortion is healthcare.  How the killing of an innocent baby in the womb or now just after birth is healthcare is beyond my comprehension.  Science has proved that life begins at conception and one can detect a heartbeat within 21 days.  But for Joe Biden and others in his party, this has no meaning and until a baby is born it is just a lump of tissue.  Of course that does not explain the killing of the baby right after birth or what we now see through sonograms.  We also know these people are politicians and will say just about anything to get elected, even if it goes against their beliefs.  Politicians that cave on their beliefs to get elected, should never be elected since they will never deliver on their promises. 

Even though President Trump has been harassed, investigated at every turn, and obstructed by the Socialist Party in the House, he is still delivering on what he promised to the dismay of these socialist.  Promises made and promises kept.  Something the swamp hates since the voters will expect the same from them.  And the swamp includes both the Socialist Party and Republican Party members.  President Trump has exposed the swamp for what it is and the swamp is doing their best to stop this exposure by attempting to have the president impeached.   The impeachment will go nowhere in the Senate and the socialist know this so they will attempt to drag this out until the next election in November 2020.  When the Inspector General report comes out together with the AG Barr and DOJ Durham report on criminal activity and treasonous behavior of those involved, then we will see exactly how dangerous the swamp really is.  They are being exposed and the control they had over all branches of government is slowly being eroded and being exposed.  The voters thought they were electing their representatives to represent them and they are finding out that the unelected bureaucrats were actually in control and making the decisions and their representatives were and are afraid to speak out for fear they will not get re-elected and lose their power and control.  In essence, this is what the swamp is all about, power and control over you.  Period, Amen.  Again, Sen.  Chuck Schumer verified all this when President Trump questioned some intelligence and Sen. Schumer stated, “If you go after the intelligence community, they will come after you 6 ways from Sunday”.  This showed the fear these representatives have with the swamp and prefer keeping their job rather than developing a backbone.  Trump has that backbone and they  are jealous. 

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Who really has been making decisions in our government over the years? Or who is running the country?

It appears the intelligence community is attempting to turn on President Trump as our president is exposing the swamp.  As Sen. Schumer said in January 2017 that the intelligence community can come after you 6 ways from Sunday.  In other words, the intelligence community will dictate foreign policy and not our elected representatives.  This has to be extremely frightening to our country and our constitution.  These unelected bureaucrats want to dictate and direct whoever is president to dictate the foreign policy they want and not those we elected. That is why we saw the overthrow of Saddam Hussein who, although a dictator, was a buffer against Iran.  The overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi in Libya was dictated by the intelligence community and we see the end result of that debacle.  Gaddafi was towing the line, but the bureaucrats in the intelligence community wanted him out.  We have seen our country involved in areas where we should not be thanks to phony intelligence. 

If President Trump is not successful in draining the swamp, then elections do not matter and the unelected will remain in power.  The American people had better wake up and see the facts for what they are and no listen to the phony news media that have been talking phony impeachment for nearly 3 years.  Something the intelligence community wants. 

Saturday, October 19, 2019

More Russians running for President?

According to Hillary, it appears we have another Russian presidential candidate running for president.  Although she did not identify this individual, it has become well known the candidate is Tulsi Gabbard.  President Trump was labeled a Russian spy by Hillary, the DNC and the Socialist Democrats in Congress that created the phony Mueller investigation.  But, nobody seems to be investigating the nearly $140 million Bill and Hillary’s foundation received after Hillary approved the sale of 20% of our uranium to Russia.  Now that is the real quid pro quo.  We know the socialist democrats in the House will protect Hillary from any investigation, but what about the republican controlled Senate?  Is the swamp that protective from having corrupt politicians, their former senate comrades, investigated for fear they may be identified as also being corrupt?  If the swamp is not dismantled and exposed as Trump is attempting, our country will be lost.  That is why, aside from the excellent job he is doing, Trump must be re-elected to continue this exposure of corruption and the attempted coup these individuals are still working on.  We are at the crossroads of our existence as a Democratic Republican or becoming a page in history if these Marxist gain control again.  Socialism, communism, Marxism and progressivism are all the same, a destructive force against the people while the advocates of this form of government live the good life off of the people.  Venezuela today is the perfect example of this.  The people suffer while the government bureaucrats enjoy what the people use to have. 

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Bernie Sanders claiming he is the socialist in the presidential campaign.

I found Sen. Sanders statement very interesting claiming he is the true socialist.  This from a man that owns 3 homes and has a net worth well over $2 million.  A true socialist would not be this rich since under socialism, everyone is the same.  However, if you look at Cuba, North Korea and even Venezuela, you realize only the ruling class live high on the hog and the constituents are the ones that suffer and do not enjoy the “socialism good life”.  Unfortunately, the brain dead young voters fail to understand this reality and their brains are full of the false rhetoric on what socialism can give them.  They have failed to examine the failed history of socialist countries, and believe the mush taught to them in school.  Nothing is free and all the freebees they think they will be receiving will be coming out of somebody’s pocket and it will be their pocket. 

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Obama’s Organizing for Action (OFA) is responsible for this anti-Trump hate.

The role of the opposition party in a Republican Democracy is not to mount a resistance to a duly elected government and press for its overthrow at the very beginning of its term.  But this I precisely what the socialist democrats have been doing since the day after the November 2016 election.  Since the day after the election they were attacking him as a racist, a white nationalist, anti-immigration, anti-Muslim, a fascist, and a dictator and colluded with the Russians to steal the election.  These socialist have been pushing for the impeachment of Trump before he even took the oath of office. 

Obama began to fundamentally transforming the United States of America, and has been using his OFA to accomplish this task.  The actions, demonstrations and at times violent confrontations with Trump supporters are all orchestrated by and for OFA against President Trump.  

What this former president has done is unprecedented.  Ex-presidents do not stay behind in D.C. to undermine their successors.  From his command center where he moved to from the White House, Obama has been actively engaged in activities to undermine Trump and our government.  Part of this includes having former AG Eric Holder engaging in reverse-gerrymandering of congressional districts to favor the socialist party.

As Michelle Obama  said about OFA, “It is the next phase of our movement for change”, and finish what we started.  To change our country to her husband’s vision.  The OFA is an army of bullies and radicals, with only one goal and that is to intimate Trump supporters, assault supporters as they campaign and to fundamentally transform the United States where power is in the hands of the radicals and our constitution is pushed aside. 

The next election will decide if we remain a constitutional republic or become a socialist country where power is not in those we elected, but the unelected radicals where free speech is gone and hate is the new free speech and government will dictate what we can and cannot do or say. 

Obama’s Organizing for Action (OFA) is responsible for this anti-Trump hate.

The role of the opposition party in a Republican Democracy is not to mount a resistance to a duly elected government and press for its overthrow at the very beginning of its term.  But this I precisely what the socialist democrats have been doing since the day after the November 2016 election.  Since the day after the election they were attacking him as a racist, a white nationalist, anti-immigration, anti-Muslim, a fascist, and a dictator and colluded with the Russians to steal the election.  These socialist have been pushing for the impeachment of Trump before he even took the oath of office. 

Obama began to fundamentally transforming the United States of America, and has been using his OFA to accomplish this task.  The actions, demonstrations and at times violent confrontations with Trump supporters are all orchestrated by and for OFA against President Trump.  

What this former president has done is unprecedented.  Ex-presidents do not stay behind in D.C. to undermine their successors.  From his command center where he moved to from the White House, Obama has been actively engaged in activities to undermine Trump and our government.  Part of this includes having former AG Eric Holder engaging in reverse-gerrymandering of congressional districts to favor the socialist party.

As Michelle Obama said about OFA, “It is the next phase of our movement for change”, and finish what we started.  To change our country to her husband’s vision.  The OFA is an army of bullies and radicals, with only one goal and that is to intimate Trump supporters, assault supporters as they campaign and to fundamentally transform the United States where power is in the hands of the radicals and our constitution is pushed aside. 

The next election will decide if we remain a constitutional republic or become a socialist country where power is not in those we elected, but the unelected radicals where free speech is gone and hate is the new free speech and government will dictate what we can and cannot do or say. 

Friday, October 11, 2019

Is the violence we witnessed in Minnesota last night the beginning of the end of our constitution?

It appears from what we witnessed last night that the left, the socialist party (AKA formerly Democratic Party), Antifa and the members of congress that have been pushing violent confrontation against Trump supporters since Trump’s election are determined to end free speech that does not meet their standards.  What we are seeing in Hong Kong where the residents of Hong Kong are fighting for freedom and the trampling of these demonstrators by the Chinese government, will come to this country if we elect a socialist House and Senate and presidency.  If you doubt that this is coming where government will control what you can and cannot do, then you are living in a fantasy world.  What our Founders and their followers fought and died for in the Revolutionary War, will be lost forever.  Listen clearly to what the socialist presidential candidates are saying.  Have you heard any of these candidates speak out against what took place in Minnesota last night?  If they did, it was done under their breath. 

Thursday, October 10, 2019

NBA and China

It seems that the players in the NBA can exercise their right to free speech and criticize President Trump, but when it comes to the events in Hong Kong, they remain silent.  Free speech is okay in our country where they can speak out against President Trump, but these multi-millionaires see no problem when China is beating their citizens to stop their speech.  Our constitution guarantees free speech and these athletes use it against Trump, but will not speak out where the people in Hong Kong want free speech and are beaten into submission. As long as they get a rich paycheck, free speech be dammed and those around the world who want it, can go screw themselves.  Money is more important. 

Monday, October 7, 2019

Is it Treason?

Since the day after the then candidate Donald Trump was elected, the socialist democrats have been engaged in phony allegations to remove President Trump from office.  Their efforts is to overthrow a dully elected president because he is exposing exactly what he meant when he said during his campaign, “Drain the Swamp”.  I might add this swamp is not only in Congress, but as Sen. Chuck Schumer said, “If you mess with the intelligence community they have 6 ways from Sunday to get you”.  We now know what he meant.  It has become obvious that our elected representatives may not really be running the country, but unelected bureaucrats that have gained control and as we see are actively engaged in destroying this president.  President Trump was not supposed to get elected, since with Hillary as president they would still remain in the shadows.  This is what is called the shadow government.  And we thought when we voted, our vote would count.   The election of President Trump has exposed these treasonous actors that include members of both parties, although the socialist democrats are pushing this coup.  The question to ask, are you going to allow the shadow government to remain in control, or make sure you vote in the future will count by making sure this coup is not successful?  It does not matter which party you support, but the swamp should not be running the country. 

We are seeing that today from the intelligence community.  The intelligence community that gave our country false information that got us into wars we did not need.  I speak of Iraq where we devised a scheme to have Saddam Hussein removed when in fact he was a buffer against Iran.  But, it was the intelligence community that developed the information for war that we latter learned was basically all BS.  Secretary of State Colin Powell also realized this, but too late as we already went to war.  It makes me wonder about the Bay of Tonkin incident that accelerated us into pouring more troops in Vietnam. 

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Socialist Democrats and Assault Weapons

If we listen to the socialist and them pushing a ban on assault weapons.  Well, not only are firearms, rifles etc. assault weapons, but just about anything out there can be considered an assault weapon.  How about automobiles, baseball bats, knives, especially steak knives if somebody overcooks their steak, forks, chainsaws and more.  How these items are use, they can be considered a weapon.  Therefore, before one was to purchase any of these and other items they should have a background check to make sure they are mentally stable to possess or use any of these items.  We know, nobody who waa involved in these shootings, was a member of the NRA where members can get training in the proper use of firearms.  But, if you listen to the socialist, the NRA is responsible for all these shootings, not mental health issues where the review of those involved indicates they had issues that were either not addressed or reported to the appropriate people.