Friday, March 28, 2014

The 2014 Senate elections.

We now see the democratic Senators that are up for election this November worried about their chances to get reelected because of the unpopularity of ACA (AKA Obamacare) that is declining as more and more people learn the truth.  I feel sorry for these Senators that voted for legislation that they never read, were clueless what the legislation actually contained and reinforced the lies of Kathleen Sebelius and President Obama that you could keep your doctor, keep your insurance plan and you can save $2500 in premium payments.  Now the lies have come home to roost, and the Senators are worried.  Of course, they are not worried about what is contained in Obamacare, not worried about the nearly $18 Trillion in debt, not worried about the uncontrolled spending us into oblivion, our declining status in the world, and the poor job market, but are only concerned about getting reelected.  It is all about keeping their seat, remaining in power, keeping their party in power and trying to placate the voters by hoping to change parts of Obamacare that will get them voter support.  It has nothing to do about what is happening to this country under the ideology of our present administration that is contrary to what our Founders gave us.  As Thomas Jefferson is quoted as saying, "Power corrupts", and we are seeing that today from the White House on down.   I hope in the fall election we can start choosing and electing candidates that actually believe in this country's greatness.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Harry Reid

Is time for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to undergo a mental health examination since it appears with his recent senseless statements over the pass few months that he is losing it?  It has become obvious that the object between his ears may not have been getting the correct amount of blood circulating or is he trying our for a role in Dumb and Dumber III.  Talk about statements that seem to have come from left field.  Is he getting advice from the Obama administration on what to say?  Sometimes, silence is golden. 

President Obama and the Pope

It has become obvious with this president that he and his staff are oblivious to what gifts to give other leaders when visiting their countries.  Now we know when he went to England a few years ago he gave the Queen CD's and now visiting the Pope a box of various seeds.   I would think a member of the staff would have inquired with the embassy in Rome or with previous members of other administrations what would be appropriate as a gift.  But no, not this president since no one can tell him what to do.  Then again, when your administration is full of academics that have no real world experience, what can you expect.  At least the president did not give the Pope a biography of Mohammed or a copy of the Q'uran.  Of course, we know Putin tells him where to go.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

So President Obama said……….

When questioned by a reporter yesterday in Europe, Obama answered that he considers Russia a regional power.   It is obvious, that our great president is not a student of history.  Germany under Hitler was just a regional power and Japan was just a regional power.  But we know how those regional powers worked out. 

Now Russia has designs on other Baltic countries and under Putin who wants to re-establish the former Soviet Union and take all those countries under the Russian umbrella that they occupied after WWII and refused to leave until they ran into President Reagan and was outwitted on the world stage and eventually collapsed.  But, Putin has not forgotten that embarrassment, as he sees it, and wants to restore Russia to a world power and be the threat to the world again and use intimidating tactics they were known for.  With our fearless leader in the White House, Putin realizes now is the time to get whatever he wants and has until the 2016 election to accomplish his dream.   

The big question that President Obama has not answered is what will NATO do when Putin invades another NATO country.  Putin is pushing the envelope and when and until he is met with a severe threat of force that he can actually see over the Obama rhetoric that he only laughs at, he will continue down the path of conquering the former satellite countries.  Nobody wants another military conflict, but sometimes the threat that such tactics that Putin is implementing will be met with military force, Putin will continue his actions.  War is not necessary, but when it become obvious that Putin's actions will result in military conflict, he will rethink his strategy.  Russia cannot withstand a non-nuclear conflict with the west and he knows that, but as long as the west shows weakness, he will continue his aggression.   

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Global Warming

Since the global warming/climate change/atmospheric unsettlement crowd claim that we are responsible for this change, we must make a major decision immediately. Now we know that China, India, Russia and other developing countries are polluting our atmosphere more than 10 to 20 times we ever had, but according to the Obama administration, we must take action. 


We must get the Obama administration to take immediate action to move all citizens away from all coastal areas at least 200 miles inland.  Also, the entire state of Florida and there 18 million citizens must be evacuated completely since as the seas continue to rise, Florida is very susceptible to being completely underwater within the next few years.  As for New Orleans, Forgetaboutit.  Holland is in the same susceptibility at Florida and must be evacuated almost by the end of this year.  Really, can Al Gore, the Obama administration and other environmental wachos actually be wrong.  We must write our Congressional representatives today and demand immediate action or the paper would write on may be too soggy to write on.  Forget about computers unless you live in a high rise.  Least we forget, remember Al Gore invented the internet, President Obama walks on water and the tree huggers are clueless, and really, when has the Obama administration every lied or deceived the American people.


We know that President Obama has enlisted the help of NASA to promote the global warming/climate change agenda with the idea that if NASA says it is so, it must be true.  Then again, we know a few years ago President Obama enlisted the aid of NASA to promote the accomplishments the Arabs countries made to space exploration.  We know that the Arab countries have sent many astronauts to the Moon and Mars and if my memory is correct, they were the impetus for Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek episodes.  If I am not mistaken, I believe the Arabs were represented in the series by the Klingon Empire.   Of course, the series ran in the late '60's and we did not know the Arab countries were already years ahead of us in space exploration.  But, under the transparency of the Obama administration, we know this to be factual.    

Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Administration and it's Ideology

With Susan Rice as the president's Security Adviser, John Kerry as Secretary of State, Valerie Jarrett as the president's close adviser, Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense, Jay Carney as press secretary, Samantha Powers, as UN Secretary and you wonder why as a country we are going down for the count. 


When you have ideology running your decisions, and no experience in actually administrating a budget, no business experience or executive experience, and a growing debt that should be at over $18 Trillion by the next election and no end in site, when will the collapse come?  No country can print there way out of debt because if you could, every country would do it and everybody that could print money would do it.  As a country, we borrow money and then borrow money to pay off the money we borrowed.  Eventually, the money runs out.  Then what?  Think about that and decide for yourself if you wish to continue down this road. If not, remember your members of Congress that got you into this mess come the fall election. It crosses both parties.


President Obama does not believe in our Founding Fathers and what they gave us and believes we should not be any better than any other country.  That is his ideology and he is doing his best to take us down to 3rd world level.  You must watch what he does and not what he says.  What he accuses others of doing is a ruse because he does exactly that.  If you put a little effort into this administration, you will be better prepared for the lies and deception.  But do you care?  If not, then don't worry, we will cease to exist in the not to distant future and collapse. 


Be prepared for high inflation that will come as a result of Quantitative Easing by the Fed.  When they stop, inflation will happen and there may be a run on banks for money that they will not be able to pay.  So, make sure you have sufficient funds on hand to last at least one month and at least a month of non-perishable food items. Better to be prepared then not.  Something else to give thought too.










Obama, Putin and Ukraine

So President Obama is going to put in place more sanctions against Russian billionaires and some of these billionaires had to be rushed to the hospital when they heard their names mentioned because they were laughing so hard, they started choking.  

A weak response from a very weak president.  Now, we know we will not be sending troops to the Ukraine, but we could put back in play sending that missile defense system to Poland and the other Balkan states that were promised before Obama took office.  But, we know Obama would consider that an aggressive act on our part.  Of course, Russian troops going into the Crimea was not an aggressive act according to the Obama doctrine.  When Russian troops reach Paris, we may see a more aggressive stance my our president, like cutting off aid to Russia or seizing Putin's checking account. 

The European countries gave up their freedom when they chose to accept energy from Russia and now seem to have become impotent in any type of response.  This is where our spineless president could take action by promoting energy exploration in our country where can ship energy to those countries in Europe and hurt Russia and Putin right where in hurts, in the pocketbook.  This would be a boom to our economy, increase jobs and incomes as well as tax receipts for our government, but we know this president believes that oil and gas are pollutants and our only way to survive is through wind and solar power.  Sometimes you must wonder has our president always been stupid or was he just born that way.  Stupid is what Stupid does.  Where have we heard that before.

Monday, March 17, 2014

CIA Spying

So now have seen the CIA and the White House spying on congress, hacking into their computers. With that we can safely say, they are also monitoring members phones.  This is a major violation of our Constitution and Bill of Rights.  This is Treason and is criminal.  The question I pose is: What is more important to our elected officials, the constitution or the party in power?  If it is the constitution then they should take legal, criminal proceedings or if they wish to protect the party in power, then surrender our constitutional rights.  Any information used from the information collected, you can rest assured will be used as blackmail to get the votes they need.  Now, I understand why Chief Supreme Court Justice John Roberts changed his judicial opinion on Obamacare (ACA)just before the court gave its opinion.  When a government, regardless of what party is in power, has this much power, we have no constitution.  Yes, this can keep the democrats in power, but at what cost.  Freedom?

Friday, March 14, 2014

The plane, the plane

Where is the plane.  We know if the plane crashed into water, we would have some form of debris floating.  Seat cushions, foam insulation and other items.  After 6 days some form of debris would be seen by now.  We know after the Tsunami hit Japan, debris made it all the way to the Pacific coast.   

If the plane was hijacked, where did it go and what will the plane be used for.  Could the plane had been diverted to Pakistan where it could be loaded with a nuclear weapon or some other Islamic country where the plane could become a flying bomb and use to attack Israel or attack our fleet in the Persian Gulf or Mediterranean.  Food for thought.  Repaint the plane and use it for a terrorist attack.  Remember, these terrorist have no regard for life and will have no regrets if they kill thousands of their own people to accomplish their task.   

However, one would think with all the satellites we have where it is claimed these satellites could read the print on a newspaper and are covering the entire globe, we would know where the plane is.  If we do, are we waiting and watching to see what is happening and what are the intention of these hijackers.  This is all theory and conjecture, but since this disappearance cannot be explained and many theories out there, one is just as good as the other.  But, we must be prepared for terrorist to use this plane for a terrorist act and as we know it is better to be prepared and find out something different later on.  But the probability is almost 100% if the plane is in the hands of terrorist, either Israel ,United States or our military is the target. 

And they are holding elected office

So, congresswomen Sheila Jackson Lee praises our 400 year old constitution.  If my arithmetic is correct, especially since I never had Common Core, that means our constitution was passed by our Founders in 1614.   

President Obama when campaigning in 2008 claimed he visited 57 states. 

Sen. Harry Reid claimed Mitt Romney did not pay taxes for 10 year.  He heard this from a reliable person. 

Congresswomen Nancy Pelosi now claims republicans hate children in addition women. 

I do not know what these people have been eating, but maybe wild berries and are hallucinating.  But, they got voted into officer repeatedly.  What does that say about those that voted them into office. Is there any hope for our country? 

 Yes, these are democrats, but republicans are not much better.  Give them a few years and we can say the same about them, unless they read our constitution and realize that we are a Republic form of government and not a dictatorship and they got elected to actually cut spending, balance the budget, cut taxes to give the citizens more money to spend and get the economy going and stop the war against those that are successful.   Since when is being successful in business and making money honestly through hard work and applying your knowledge, skills and ability to better yourself a crime.  Why should the benefits of your hard work be given to someone who does not work hard and expect you to pay them.   Life is not fair, nobody can make if fair and all you want is the opportunity to prove yourself.  Proving yourself requires working hard at whatever job you have to until either a better job comes through or you are recognized for your hard work and get promoted.   Being lazy, absenteeism, poor work skills will not get you a better job.  To be successful, you must work at it.  Not everyone will reach the top, but you may be successful by providing a good income and what that income can get you.  However, you must not stop striving to better yourself throughout your career.  Unless of course, you run for Congress.  Obviously, there are exceptions and that just happened to be one of them.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Senate's All Nighter and more

So the democratic controlled Senate holds an all night session to discuss global warming and climate change or atmospheric disturbances or whatever they which to call it today since whatever they call it does not resonate with most citizens.  However, we see an out of control spending, blooming deficit with no end in site, the potential for foreign entanglements that we have no control over due to leader that is clueless on what is required to being President of a Super Power, and yet these idiots hold an all night useless, meaningless rhetoric event.  If they put as much time into more important issues, maybe we might actually get our spending and deficit under control.  But those of us that actually have some brains know that when the money does not come out of your own pocket, it is easy to spend. 

Aside from the fact that the biggest polluters today are China, India, Russia and other Asian countries that are trying to get their country's economic growth booming and have very little regard to pollution.  Yet, our country that already has many pollution controls in place must have more regulations that are strangling our businesses.  We are not the polluters, but if you have a desire to destroy this country's economic advantages, just regulate us into oblivion.  The ideology of this administration and their followers is that the United States is responsible for all the ills of the world.  That is why this administration does not respond to the world situations as expected and would rather use rhetoric that is appreciated by their followers over any other type of action.  Like, the Keystone pipeline, increase in energy development that would be a boom to our economy, but if they did that, we would renew our #1 world rating that actually depresses this administration.  Their belief in equality also means equality with other countries.  Why should we be any better than anyone else.   

We see this push in their pursuit of corrupting our children with the Common Core curriculum that only supports the ideology that no one is better than anyone else and if you show that you are a better student than anyone else in your class, you will be chastised. 

So, if you are an aging citizen of this country, consider yourself lucky that you may not live to see the demise of this country.  Or, under Obamacare and the Independent Panel Review Board, you are even given the opportunity to receive medical treatment.  As President Obama indicated before his first election that if medical cost were high, you should consider going home to die.    

I am not sure with the corruption in this administration if the next two elections, 2014 and 2016 may be our last free elections.  It may just be 2014 as our last since we see this administration using various government agencies to squash their political opposition by using the IRS, DOJ, NSA as examples.  And you thought this only happens in Russia, Cuba or Venezuela.   If you do not believe they are using these agencies for their political benefit, then you should read more on Saul Alinsky.  The ends justify the means. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Somethings you may not notice about inflation.

If you go to grocery stores periodically you may have noticed certain deceptive packaging in food items.  As you are aware, inflation stats do not include the rise in food and gasoline.  However, manufacturers, in order to keep cost down have packaged their goods differently.  Examples:  paper towels use to be 13 x 11 and were slowly downsized to 11 x 11 and then 11 x 10 and some have gone to 11 x 9.5.   Toilet paper rolls use to be 4 x 4.25 and then downsized to 4 x 4 and some have gone to 4 x 3.9.  Some drinks that used to be 64 ounces are now 59 ounces, although the bottle looks closely to the 64 ounces.  Cereal is doing the same downsizing.  Consumers may not notice this deception, but manufacturers do not want to raise prices and lose customers so they downsize their product but charge the same or just a little more.  So, as a consumer you are paying more for less.  Something people do not talk about since government would like you to think that inflation is under control.  Just like some auto manufacturers would like to tell you how far a particular car will go on a full tank of gas, without telling you that they just gave the car a larger gas tank.  But, if the consumers are as dumb as the voters, nobody will really notice. 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

The Democrats, Racism and more

So if I understand the democratic party and all their supporters correctly, if you criticize a black democrat and you are white, you will be called a racist.  If you are black, you will be called an Uncle Tom and a voice box for the white racist republicans.  But if you are a black conservative you will be ridiculed and attacked by democrats and their supporters, but that is acceptable and not considered racist.   

However, we seem to forget history of the blacks in this country.  Blacks were attacked in this country both verbally and mostly physically by democrats.  It was democrats that refused repeated attempts by republicans in Congress to get a civil rights bill passed.  Almost 60 years ago, President Eisenhower tried but was blocked by democrats, JFK tried, but the democrats blocked the legislation and only when President Lyndon Johnson saw the political advantage to passing a civil rights bill did he put forward such legislation.  But, a check of the records will show that the bill only passed with complete republican support as again most democrats opposed this legislation and now they like to say the republicans are racist when history shows the democrats was composed of racist and KKK members.  It is all there in the history of this country.  But we know such history that disparages progressives, liberal democrats is not taught in our schools and more so under the Common Core curriculum.  If one reads "American History in Black and White, by David Barton, one will be better educated on the hypocrisy of the democrats and how they had hoodwinked the blacks in this country.  They have made the blacks slaves to the democratic party by indirectly saying, stay with us and we will take care of you from cradle to grave and we will blame the republicans for your plight.  Eventually, there are only two things that can happen, and only two things, our country will either run out of money or go bankrupt.  The well will eventually go dry.  Only common sense will tell you that, but it seems common sense is lost on our voters.   

As individuals, we cannot continue to borrow and spend without being cut off by lending institutions.  If we printed money, we would go to jail.  Eventually, we declare bankruptcy and lose what we have accumulated to help pay off our debts.  What options do our government have.  Either tax us into oblivion, seize most if not all our money in our savings accounts as has happened in Greece and other EU countries over the past two years.  In either scenario, our government continues to spend what they do not have and we are the ones that suffer.  When the country goes belly up, what then?  If we do not put a stop to our reckless spending and actually make legitimate spending cuts across the board you can kiss our country good-bye.  Sen. Rand Paul put forth a great idea a few years ago, that is cut 1 penny for every dollar budgeted every year and you can reduce our deficit.  We must also take a look at Social Security and Medicare and may have to go to some form of means testing.  Since we all have contributed to Social Security, we may have to cut benefits to those whose retirement income exceeds $250,000 per year.  However, this may have to be done in stages depending on that person's retirement income.  A cut of 25% and then 50%, 75% all depending on a person's income, but for argument sake, if your income is say over one million, maybe you receive only 25%.  Your contributed, and should receive the 25%.  Just some thought to throw out there for discussion.  As for Medicare, we have go after the fraud, eliminate duplication, streamline the process, and if your income exceeds a certain amount, maybe Medicare becomes your secondary.  Usually, those with high incomes have a better insurance policy than Medicare offers.  But we need to get politics out of these questions, and actually seek honest answers, rather than answers for political advantage that we see with Obamacare that does not work.   But we also know, out elected representatives lack courage,  They are only concerned with getting themselves elected and not about saving our country from demise.  Not all 535 representatives, but at least 500.  But, we fall for their rhetoric and continue to vote them into office.   Our elected officials are great on promises, promises and more promises, but always fail to deliver unless it is an election year or through some backroom deal where we the voters can be assured will get screwed. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

No big deal. It is just Obama.

So Dan Quayle spells potato with an E at the end and he has never lived it down.  President Obama claimed when campaigning in 2008 that he visited 57 states.  And yesterday he spells RESPECT,  "RSPECT" and yet we hear nothing about it.  But, if you criticize him, you will be called a racist.  He doesn't walk on water, the oceans have not risen, global warming or climate change is all BS and yet, he gets a pass when making stupid statements.  No big deal on the misspelling, but if you believe Dan Quayle was dumb, at least he knew we only had 50 states. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Will Brooklyn, NY be invaded by Russian Troops?

Russian President Putin claims he sent Russian troops into Crimea to protect the ethnic Russian population that are living there.  Now, we know there is a large ethnic Russian population in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn NY and there may be negative feedback against them over the invasion in the Crimea.  So, we better be prepared with our military to prevent Russian troops from invading Brooklyn NY.  Maybe, we can build a Brooklyn Wall along the water like the Nazis did in France in the 1940's.  Just think of all the jobs this would create.  I am sure the unemployment number would drop to at least 4%.  We know it will drop to at least that percentage a month before the 2014 election anyway.  Now I am not accusing this administration of fudging numbers for political purposes.  We already know this administration is the most transparent administration in history and has never told a lie or obstructed any investigations so I don't want anyone to get the wrong impression.  But with this pending threat to our shores, I do not think this would be the time to reduce our military budget. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Who is taking the fall this time. And more

Operation Fast and Furious, the economy debacle, unemployment numbers were all former President Bush's fault.  The IRS scandal were rogue agents in Cincinnati office.  The NSA scandal where agents were just following the Patriot Act.  Of course we know their actions were and are exceeding the requirements of the Patriot Act.   The  DOJ only enforcing those laws they like and then recently AG Holder tells state AG's to do the same.  AP scandal was just a misunderstanding and the FCC trying to control media content was really just an idea floated out loud by mistake.  Not a smidgen of truth here and I learned about all this when I heard about it from the news media.  We know former Pres. Bush cannot be blamed here or can he since he did not move against Russia when they invaded Georgia.  In any case, we know it will not be the Obama administration.   

We now have a president whose foreign policy nobody can understand but we can be assured it does not include making decisions.  With indecisiveness in Egypt, Libya and Syria and Iran, this was observed by many countries, especially Russia and China that may have embolden the Russians to invade the Ukraine and we see China making moves in the South China Sea.  Their motto has become, "You have nothing to fear, as long as Obama is there".   

We realize our options with the Ukraine crisis is limited and does and should not include military action by us.  However, what President Obama should do is reinstitute the missile defense system that he cancelled in Poland when he came into office.  Now is the time to play Putin's game and let him know his actions will not go without repercussions.  A foreign policy of appeasement did not work between Hitler and Chamberlain in the 1930's and will not work in the 21st century. Putin only understands appropriate and quick response to his actions that continuing such aggression will be met with policies that will reinforce cooperation with those countries that used to be under the control of the former Soviet Union that Russia invaded in fighting against the Nazis, and occupied for nearly 45 years.  But we know the answer here.  "What difference does it make". 

Now the Obama Administration is proposing a billion dollar energy subsidy for Ukraine.  Where is that money coming from?  We cannot afford to pay our military, but we are okay with sending money to Ukraine?  Yes, we can assist supporting Ukraine financially, but most of this should be shouldered by the EU.  We can improve their energy production and offer expertise in other areas that may need, but we know anything to do with energy production will get the environmental wachos that support Obama to raise concern about how this will increase global warming, climate change or since these phrases are not working they may use a new phrase such as Atmospheric Disturbances/Irregularities. 



What can we do now about Ukraine?

First we need a president with a backbone and not bow down to the environmentalist for political votes.   

We need to complete the pipe line from Canada.  We need to open drilling in Federal lands that his administration has not approved.  All the increase in energy production has come from private lands.  We are the biggest producer of natural gas in the world and this will increase as we continue drilling and fracking.   Instead of investing in failed companies like Solyndra, we need tax incentives for companies to promote automobiles that can run safely on natural gas.  Together with all gas stations installing natural gas pump stations for vehicles would be a start.  Next, promote better hybrids and vehicles that can run on batteries and get over 1000 miles on a charge.  Already the Tesla can go 300 miles and a charge time of 8 hours.  This is the direction we must go.  Increasing oil and gas production would reduce the price of energy worldwide and this would have an adverse affect on the economy of Russia.  We can also be an exporter of natural gas to Europe lessening their dependence on Russia.  Also, help those European countries that can produce energy through fracking is another way to promote independence.   

Think about this.  In 1969 we put a man on the moon with technology that is 45 year old compared to today.  How many of us would take the chance to go to the moon with that technology or would you rather go with today's technology.  We had men of courage then and we need that perseverance in the pursuit of energy today and alternative energy tomorrow.  We can do it, but we need a backbone in the White House and Congress.  Something we do not have.  We would all love to meet our energy needs with alternative sources than we have today, but until that is accomplished, we need to secure all the energy we have in the ground today.   Today, oil and gas, tomorrow, who knows.   

We are a can do people unless our government puts up roadblocks through regulations restricting incentives.  If we do not do it, you can rest assured someone else will.  Our loss their gain.  Control energy and you have better control of what happens in the world.  Putin knows this and that is why he pushed for pipelines through Ukraine to the rest of Europe and now you see the end result.  The EU is handcuffed. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Ukraine and President Obama

Peace through strength was the mantra of the Reagan administration, but under the Obama administration is world havoc through weakness.  When you show weakness through your dealings with Iran, Egypt, Libya, Syria and apologize for the United States in your world travels, you cannot be surprised by what Putin is doing.  The whole world knows that President Obama is all talk, uses good rhetoric but they also know talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words.  This is what happens when you elect a community organizer who has no world experience, business experience and surrounds himself with like ilk.  If you are a world leader that is an adversary against the United States, now is the time to take action and expand your influence and using military action will not be met with any likewise action.  But you can rest assured that President Obama will speak out against such action and then go out and play a round of golf.  

What people in this country do not understand that for the past 5 years our president has shown no backbone, has been extremely indecisive on the world stage in responding to situations and this affects both out enemies and friends.  Those countries that have been supporters of us for years are now hesitant in doing anything since they now realize the US has a weak leader that makes former Pres. Jimmy Carter look like Gen. Patton when it comes to the world stage in responding to world situations.  Whether one wishes to believe it or not, what happens globally, has repercussions in this country.   

So, if President Obama showed wisdom and had a backbone when addressing world issues, Putin would have hesitated in invading the Ukraine.  If Putin wants to, he could march all the way to Paris without a response from our president.  He knows it, Pres. Obama knows it and sadly, the world knows it.  

So, where does this leave Israel.  You had better believe, Israel will defend it self and not allow any country to steamroll over them and if that means using nuclear weapons, they will use them since their model is "Never Again", while Pres. Obama's model is "Please don't embarrass me, I will give you anything you want". 

This is what happens when you elect liberal progressives whose ideology borders on socialist/Marxism and they take control of government and all aspects of our lives.  We see this with Obamacare, Fast and Furious, IRS, NSA spying on US citizens, AP scandal, DOJ and the FCC trying to enter the news room with the intent to control what is reported.  That was and still is this administration's attempt to control what is and is not said about them.  This is what we see in Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, China and North Korea as well as other socialist/Marxist countries where freedom is what the government says it is. 

Regardless of your political affiliation, our constitution is our most important document and the Bill of Rights, the first 10 amendments some of the most important contained in that document.  Something this administration and their followers detest.  Of course, I might add, many republicans are not far behind this thinking.  As Thomas Jefferson once said, "Power Corrupts" and we have allowed this to fester in our elected officials for over 100 years.  Actually, the downhill respect for out constitution started with Pres. Teddy Roosevelt was accelerated with Pres. Woodrow Wilson and it has bee all downhill ever since.  However, all is not lost as many states are beginning to awaken and are starting to realize that they can call for a Constitutional Convention of states and with the vote of 38 states, pass amendments to the constitution.  Something both parties fear and if both parties fear this, you can rest assured it is a step in the right direction to right the ship.  Three amendments that should be passed immediately are, term limits, balance budget and repeal of the 17th amendment.  The 17th amendment is something you will have to read to know why and the corresponding Federalist paper.  I could tell you, but it is better if you read the constitution to fully understand what we had and why we must get it back before it is too late.  

 The election this fall may well be our last free election since the DOJ and this administration are interfering with the election process. 

Then we must search for and elect a president that has the knowledge, skills and intelligence to address world issues as well as domestic issues.  Right now, contrary to what some may think, it will not come from anyone associated, past or present, with this administration.  The only candidate I see that has these skills is former Congressman Alan West. But we know he is not a favorite of the Republican establishment and is considered by the democrats as an Uncle Tom.  The world is exploding and as much as we would like to address our domestic issues and problems, what happens around the world does affect us domestically.  We can be energy self-sufficient very quickly, but fhis administration puts of roadblocks to oil and gas exploration and we are only successful when we explore on private lands while this administration continues to push for green energy failures like Solyndra where taxpayer money was used to pay back his political supporters.  And we might add where some of this money made its way back into the democratic pockets.  If you think all the money spent on the Obamacare website (approx. $650 Million) was used just for developing a site that many experts claimed could have been done for no more than $10 million, I know of ocean front property in Nebraska and a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.  The CEO of this company based in Canada was a school mate of Michele Obama.   Nothing to see here. 

Wake up America and realize as this country goes, so does the world.  We are the only world superpower whether we like it or not, and if we continue down the Obama path, we will become another has been as the world crumples around us.  

So what do we do about Ukraine.  Actually there is not much we can do now since we have shown 5 years of weakness except take appropriate action about removing membership in the G8 and G20 and restricting travel to the US and other EU countries doing the same.  But, if I am not mistaken, Russia sends oil and gas into Europe so the EU can shoot themselves in the foot.  We must make things difficult for Russia in economic areas as they have serious domestic issues and we should exploit that weakness with the cooperation of other countries.  Payback can be a bitch if we play our cards right.  But then again, we are talking about Pres. Obama here.