Saturday, March 8, 2014

The Democrats, Racism and more

So if I understand the democratic party and all their supporters correctly, if you criticize a black democrat and you are white, you will be called a racist.  If you are black, you will be called an Uncle Tom and a voice box for the white racist republicans.  But if you are a black conservative you will be ridiculed and attacked by democrats and their supporters, but that is acceptable and not considered racist.   

However, we seem to forget history of the blacks in this country.  Blacks were attacked in this country both verbally and mostly physically by democrats.  It was democrats that refused repeated attempts by republicans in Congress to get a civil rights bill passed.  Almost 60 years ago, President Eisenhower tried but was blocked by democrats, JFK tried, but the democrats blocked the legislation and only when President Lyndon Johnson saw the political advantage to passing a civil rights bill did he put forward such legislation.  But, a check of the records will show that the bill only passed with complete republican support as again most democrats opposed this legislation and now they like to say the republicans are racist when history shows the democrats was composed of racist and KKK members.  It is all there in the history of this country.  But we know such history that disparages progressives, liberal democrats is not taught in our schools and more so under the Common Core curriculum.  If one reads "American History in Black and White, by David Barton, one will be better educated on the hypocrisy of the democrats and how they had hoodwinked the blacks in this country.  They have made the blacks slaves to the democratic party by indirectly saying, stay with us and we will take care of you from cradle to grave and we will blame the republicans for your plight.  Eventually, there are only two things that can happen, and only two things, our country will either run out of money or go bankrupt.  The well will eventually go dry.  Only common sense will tell you that, but it seems common sense is lost on our voters.   

As individuals, we cannot continue to borrow and spend without being cut off by lending institutions.  If we printed money, we would go to jail.  Eventually, we declare bankruptcy and lose what we have accumulated to help pay off our debts.  What options do our government have.  Either tax us into oblivion, seize most if not all our money in our savings accounts as has happened in Greece and other EU countries over the past two years.  In either scenario, our government continues to spend what they do not have and we are the ones that suffer.  When the country goes belly up, what then?  If we do not put a stop to our reckless spending and actually make legitimate spending cuts across the board you can kiss our country good-bye.  Sen. Rand Paul put forth a great idea a few years ago, that is cut 1 penny for every dollar budgeted every year and you can reduce our deficit.  We must also take a look at Social Security and Medicare and may have to go to some form of means testing.  Since we all have contributed to Social Security, we may have to cut benefits to those whose retirement income exceeds $250,000 per year.  However, this may have to be done in stages depending on that person's retirement income.  A cut of 25% and then 50%, 75% all depending on a person's income, but for argument sake, if your income is say over one million, maybe you receive only 25%.  Your contributed, and should receive the 25%.  Just some thought to throw out there for discussion.  As for Medicare, we have go after the fraud, eliminate duplication, streamline the process, and if your income exceeds a certain amount, maybe Medicare becomes your secondary.  Usually, those with high incomes have a better insurance policy than Medicare offers.  But we need to get politics out of these questions, and actually seek honest answers, rather than answers for political advantage that we see with Obamacare that does not work.   But we also know, out elected representatives lack courage,  They are only concerned with getting themselves elected and not about saving our country from demise.  Not all 535 representatives, but at least 500.  But, we fall for their rhetoric and continue to vote them into office.   Our elected officials are great on promises, promises and more promises, but always fail to deliver unless it is an election year or through some backroom deal where we the voters can be assured will get screwed. 

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