Friday, March 14, 2014

The plane, the plane

Where is the plane.  We know if the plane crashed into water, we would have some form of debris floating.  Seat cushions, foam insulation and other items.  After 6 days some form of debris would be seen by now.  We know after the Tsunami hit Japan, debris made it all the way to the Pacific coast.   

If the plane was hijacked, where did it go and what will the plane be used for.  Could the plane had been diverted to Pakistan where it could be loaded with a nuclear weapon or some other Islamic country where the plane could become a flying bomb and use to attack Israel or attack our fleet in the Persian Gulf or Mediterranean.  Food for thought.  Repaint the plane and use it for a terrorist attack.  Remember, these terrorist have no regard for life and will have no regrets if they kill thousands of their own people to accomplish their task.   

However, one would think with all the satellites we have where it is claimed these satellites could read the print on a newspaper and are covering the entire globe, we would know where the plane is.  If we do, are we waiting and watching to see what is happening and what are the intention of these hijackers.  This is all theory and conjecture, but since this disappearance cannot be explained and many theories out there, one is just as good as the other.  But, we must be prepared for terrorist to use this plane for a terrorist act and as we know it is better to be prepared and find out something different later on.  But the probability is almost 100% if the plane is in the hands of terrorist, either Israel ,United States or our military is the target. 

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