Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Ben Carson Muslim comment

While the lamestream media and others in the PC crowd shout about what Ben Carson said, the following should be an eye opener. 

Never has there been, in our government, so many individuals who belong to a religion that you either join or you will be killed? 

When you read this you will understand why Obama refuses to say the words "radical Islam."  

Did you know that we now have a Muslim government? 

John Brennan, current head of the CIA converted to Islam while stationed in Saudi Arabia. 

Obama's top advisor, Valerie Jarrett, is a Muslim who was born in Iran where her parents still live.

Hillary Clinton's top advisor, Huma Abedin is a Muslim, whose mother and brother are involved in the now outlawed Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. 

Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for  Homeland Security, Arif Aikhan, is a Muslim. 

Homeland Security Advisor, Mohammed Elibiary, is a Muslim.
Obama advisor and founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, Salam al-Marayati, is a Muslim. 

Obama's Sharia Czar, Imam Mohamed Magid, of the Islamic Society of North America is a Muslim. 

Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships, Eboo Patel, is a Muslim. 

It's questionable if Obama ever officially took the oath of office when he was sworn in. He didn't repeat the oath properly to defend our nation and our Constitution. Later the Democrats claimed he was given the oath again in private? 

CIA director John Brennan took his oath on a copy of the Constitution, not a Bible. 

Congressman, Keith Ellison took his oath on a copy of the Qur'an. 

Congresswoman Michele Bachman was vilified and almost tarred and feathered by Democrats when she voiced her concern about Muslims taking over our government. 

Considering all these appointments, it would explain why Obama and his minions are systematically destroying our nation, supporting radical Muslim groups worldwide, opening our southern border, and turning a blind eye to the genocide being perpetrated on Christians all over Africa and the Middle East. 

The more damage Obama does, the more arrogant he becomes! 

Our nation and our government has been infiltrated by people who want to destroy us. It can only get worse!
And you may wonder why our president when visiting Saudi Arabia bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia.  I still wonder.


Sunday, September 20, 2015

Ahmed Mohamed, Clock maker

So, a 14 year Muslim student makes what he describes as a clock working off a circuit board.  First look at what he developed, one with think it had the makings for a bomb timer.  Of course, we cannot say that since Ahmed is only 14 years old and we know no 14 year old Muslim has ever sacrificed himself in the name of Islam.  We also know one of the Boston bombers was just 19 years old, but we must consider the significant age difference.
Also, what is not being reported is that Ahmed’s father is an Islamist activist and this family only lives approximately 35 miles from the shooting of two Muslims that attempted to kill numerous attendees at the Mohamed cartoon festival. 
We can also expect President Obama to come out and say if he had a son, he would be like Ahmed.  I guess, we could also add, if we had a president who was a leader, it would not be Obama.


Sunday, September 13, 2015

Presidential Candidates

In case you have not figured this out, the establishment in both parties always attempt to pick the candidate they want YOU to choose.  In the case of the democrats, they hand chose Hillary in 2008, but it did not work out so the party has hand-picked her since 2012, but now the democrats are having second thoughts.  You have to realize that Hillary has not spoken the truth since the Watergate Commission hearings where she was dismissed for lying and has not been known to be truthful since.  Of course, Hillary does not have the technical skills on lying as her husband does. 

As for the republicans, their hand-picked candidate, Jeb Bush, may not be working out too well and will do their best to destroy those who stand in their way.  We all realize that out of a population of over 300 million, we must have better candidates than Clinton and Bush.  That is why the establishment republicans are in quandary over what is happening with Trump, Fiorina and Cruz, the non-establishment candidates, especially Cruz that has been telling the establishment what they know but do not want to hear, that the trouble with the republican controlled congress is Boehner and McConnell aside from many republicans in congress that do not think for themselves and put the party first over the country.  Something the democrats have been doing for over 30 years and the republicans for nearly the same time, but in a more deceptive manner. 
We might add, that the news media is also complicit in all this candidate manipulation as well as pushing their liberal, socialist agenda and do their best to avoid critical news on Hillary, but will go to any length to criticize the opposition.  That is why all voters must search for the truth behind the headlines. 
We know Trump criticizes Fiorina that she got fired from HP, but fails to report, as well as the news media, that she turned HP around to a highly profitable company and was fired over conflict with the board of directors.  Something that happens to many company CEO’s.  But at least Fiorina can state that while head of the company, HP never filed for bankruptcy as “The Donald” has done 3 times with his companies. 
So, it is important to know the truth on each candidate and not what the news media reports or what Trump claims.  Also, The Donald talks a good line, but continually repeats what he will do if elected, but offers no substance on how he will do it.  So, do not be fooled by a candidates rhetoric, and demand the HOW they will implement what they claim. 


Thursday, September 10, 2015

Iran Nulear Deal and More

What is not being discussed in the Iran Nuclear Deal is that the United States will defend Iran against attack from any nation that tries to destroy their centrifuges.  (Primary aimed at Israel) 

Iran desires a nuclear weapon to accelerate the coming of the 12 Madhi.  The history of the 12 Madhi is he will come right after the destruction of the non-believers has begun.  So, acquiring nuclear weapons and using them even though the country of Iran may be destroyed, will not phrase them since they will be with Allah and 21 virgins.  Yet, our president is pushing this Iranian deal knowing all this and those democrats that want to support this plan for the good of the party will have the blood of the world on their hands.  Remember, they are voting for this plan, not for what is good for this country, but what is good for Obama and the Democratic Party.  And yet, the Iranian Mullahs are chanting “Death to America and Death to Israel”.  But we must make a nuclear deal with these people.  Are we nuts.

You must also remember or realize that our great president believes that all the problems in the Middle East are caused by the United States, England and Israel.  This is the dream of his father that he is living.   

His father had a dislike of England going back to the early 50’s when the then Winston Churchill had to send military troops to what today is Kenya to quell an uprising that was slaughtering the natives.  This is the reason that right after Obama took office he returned a statue of Winston Churchill that was given to us by England after 9/11 symbolizing their unity with us. 

Remember, our great leader grew up with a dislike of our country and this with the help of his card carrying communist grandparents, his communist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis and of course our 1960’s terrorist Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dorn who were behind his run for the Illinois assembly, the U. S. Senate and the presidency.   His ideology is anti-American contrary to what some may claim.  I might also add, a closet Muslim.


Saturday, September 5, 2015

European Refugee Crisis

Today, we see hundreds of thousands of refugees from the Middle East flooding Europe creating a crisis that has become extremely difficult for these countries to address.  Of course, if we go back nearly 80 years, we saw a similar problem with the Nazis trying to exterminate Jews, disabled and those that did not reflect the Aryan race or their beliefs.  In the Middle East we see ISIS exterminating those who do not accept their version of Islam where non-believers are killed through beheading, shot, burned, blown-up, thrown off rooftops or drowned among other methods.  And we thought what the Nazis did was atrocious.  Today, as in the 1930’s, the world buries their head in the sand and aside from reporting on these atrocities and actually viewing live videos of these events, we only talk about this and claim it is not our problem. 
Well, the world can only address these atrocities through leadership and the only country that is capable of providing this leadership is the United States.  But, when we have a president that cannot lead, believes what we see and hear is a JV team or isolated incidents, you cannot expect otherwise.  The world cries out for a leader and our president prefers playing golf or doing fund raisers and hopes to leave this mess to the next president. 
A real leader can organize a world military force of many nations to destroy this evil before any confrontation becomes nuclear.  I guess that is the key word, a leader.

Republicans/Democrats and Candidates plus

It appears that many in the mainstream media as well as the establishment in both parties are amazed by the rise of the so called non-establishment candidates as Trump, Fiorina, Carson and Sanders.  Since the establishment in both parties hand select the candidate they want you to vote for they are getting restless that how dare the voting public not support Hillary and Bush.  Rest assured the establishment in both parties will do their best to derail these outsider candidates that if elected they will not be able to control.  It is quite obvious on the democratic hand-picked candidate, Hillary Clinton, that she has displayed incompetence, deceit, untrustworthiness, dishonesty, violates federal laws and continually lies to the voting public as well as Congress. Although to protect her, her fellow democrats are doing their best to poo poo any congressional investigation as old stuff.
As for the republicans, any belief and trust that things would be different with the republicans in control of both houses went out the window when Boehner and McConnell were re-elected as republican leaders of both houses.  Both are useless, lack integrity and honesty, and are more concerned with keeping the party in power, getting re-elected and keeping their own power and try not to offend fellow democrats or the president when it comes to legislation.  Nowhere are they concerned with the country, but try to get the voter to believe that by use of smoke and mirrors. 
Promises, promises is all you get from both parties, while our debt since President Obama took office has grown nearly $9 Trillion in seven years and we see no cuts in spending or eliminating of useless agencies that are only used to restrict growth through regulations where government is in control.  Yet, if you stop and think about that, many people who are forcing these regulations on us and business never held a real job, work in the private sector, met a payroll or actually have any idea how regulations effect businesses, jobs and the economy. I guess this is what you get when you elect a community organizer to the highest office. 
Also, contrary to what the republicans in the senate claim on the Iran deal, it was senator Corker that pushed through his amendment with the blessing of senator McConnell that actually made voting no on this deal and derailing this deal in the senate a nearly impossibility.  Something the republicans do not talk about.  Again, let’s not embarrass the president, but Israel and the public be dammed. 
As for senator Schummer coming out to vote against the Iran deal, he came out with his no vote the day after meeting with the president.  Senator Schummer knew that the senate would not be able to override a presidential veto and so to satisfy his Jewish constituents, he let the president know in advance of his no vote for political purposes.  So, instead of his Jewish supporters demanding he make sure a veto can be overridden by the senate, they rolled over and accepted what Schummer said.  Again, the country and Israel be dammed.