Saturday, September 5, 2015

European Refugee Crisis

Today, we see hundreds of thousands of refugees from the Middle East flooding Europe creating a crisis that has become extremely difficult for these countries to address.  Of course, if we go back nearly 80 years, we saw a similar problem with the Nazis trying to exterminate Jews, disabled and those that did not reflect the Aryan race or their beliefs.  In the Middle East we see ISIS exterminating those who do not accept their version of Islam where non-believers are killed through beheading, shot, burned, blown-up, thrown off rooftops or drowned among other methods.  And we thought what the Nazis did was atrocious.  Today, as in the 1930’s, the world buries their head in the sand and aside from reporting on these atrocities and actually viewing live videos of these events, we only talk about this and claim it is not our problem. 
Well, the world can only address these atrocities through leadership and the only country that is capable of providing this leadership is the United States.  But, when we have a president that cannot lead, believes what we see and hear is a JV team or isolated incidents, you cannot expect otherwise.  The world cries out for a leader and our president prefers playing golf or doing fund raisers and hopes to leave this mess to the next president. 
A real leader can organize a world military force of many nations to destroy this evil before any confrontation becomes nuclear.  I guess that is the key word, a leader.

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