Saturday, September 5, 2015

Republicans/Democrats and Candidates plus

It appears that many in the mainstream media as well as the establishment in both parties are amazed by the rise of the so called non-establishment candidates as Trump, Fiorina, Carson and Sanders.  Since the establishment in both parties hand select the candidate they want you to vote for they are getting restless that how dare the voting public not support Hillary and Bush.  Rest assured the establishment in both parties will do their best to derail these outsider candidates that if elected they will not be able to control.  It is quite obvious on the democratic hand-picked candidate, Hillary Clinton, that she has displayed incompetence, deceit, untrustworthiness, dishonesty, violates federal laws and continually lies to the voting public as well as Congress. Although to protect her, her fellow democrats are doing their best to poo poo any congressional investigation as old stuff.
As for the republicans, any belief and trust that things would be different with the republicans in control of both houses went out the window when Boehner and McConnell were re-elected as republican leaders of both houses.  Both are useless, lack integrity and honesty, and are more concerned with keeping the party in power, getting re-elected and keeping their own power and try not to offend fellow democrats or the president when it comes to legislation.  Nowhere are they concerned with the country, but try to get the voter to believe that by use of smoke and mirrors. 
Promises, promises is all you get from both parties, while our debt since President Obama took office has grown nearly $9 Trillion in seven years and we see no cuts in spending or eliminating of useless agencies that are only used to restrict growth through regulations where government is in control.  Yet, if you stop and think about that, many people who are forcing these regulations on us and business never held a real job, work in the private sector, met a payroll or actually have any idea how regulations effect businesses, jobs and the economy. I guess this is what you get when you elect a community organizer to the highest office. 
Also, contrary to what the republicans in the senate claim on the Iran deal, it was senator Corker that pushed through his amendment with the blessing of senator McConnell that actually made voting no on this deal and derailing this deal in the senate a nearly impossibility.  Something the republicans do not talk about.  Again, let’s not embarrass the president, but Israel and the public be dammed. 
As for senator Schummer coming out to vote against the Iran deal, he came out with his no vote the day after meeting with the president.  Senator Schummer knew that the senate would not be able to override a presidential veto and so to satisfy his Jewish constituents, he let the president know in advance of his no vote for political purposes.  So, instead of his Jewish supporters demanding he make sure a veto can be overridden by the senate, they rolled over and accepted what Schummer said.  Again, the country and Israel be dammed. 


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