Sunday, August 30, 2015

Curt Schilling

So Curt Schilling sends a blog that only 5% of Muslims are radical Islamist terrorist and 7% of Germany was Nazis and we know how that ended.  But, the PC crowd found that offensive, but they do not find the beheading, murder, stoning by these Islamist Terrorist upsetting and the dissecting of human body parts by Planned Parenthood.  So, somebody tell me what is wrong with this picture.  By the way, it is more than 5%, much closer to 10%, that would mean approximately 140 million Muslim terrorist, but I digress.  It seems a culture of death has enveloped our society and we just shrug our shoulders and go back to our machines as long as it does not come to our neighborhood.  But, unless we take action today against Satan’s warriors, it will be at our shores tomorrow.  Our little hand held machines will not help us then. 

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Texas Deputy Darren Goforth Murdered

A Texas Deputy was murdered while filling his police vehicle with gas at a gas station.  The shooter’s original description did not include the race of the suspect.  (Gee I wonder why).  However, the description is, wait for this, WOW, he is a black male.  Now, we have not heard from President Obama that if he had a son, it would be just like this deputy, Darren Goforth nor have we heard outrage form Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson or All lives Matter.  Excuse, I mean All Black Lives Matter.  I wonder if the DOJ, under the leadership of Loretta Lynch (AKA Eric Holder in a skirt) will investigate this as a hate crime.  I also wonder if President Obama will have representatives of his administration and the DOJ attend the funeral.   I will not hold my breath. 

I think all law enforcement personnel should thank President Obama and his minions for bringing hatred and violence towards law enforcement.  After all, if it wasn’t for President Obama’s administration, we would actually have had respect for law enforcement.
So, we will continue to see law enforcement under attack and if you were a law enforcement officer you will either pull back on policing or be fearful of actually doing your job and maybe get yourself killed or indicted for Non-Feasance.  

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Gun Control Mantra Again

So we have the horrific shooting of a news reporter and her cameramen yesterday and no sooner did this event take place, we get calls for gun control from the usual suspects.  However, as with most of the previous shootings the significant reason for these shootings was this individual had mental health issues.  This is what these usual suspects should be identifying and pursuing to provide more medical available treatment for those suffering mental illness.  But no, we cannot identify the real issue when the opportunity presents itself to talk about gun control.  If these usual suspects really believed in getting gun control, then why don’t they try to get the 2nd Amendment repealed?  It only requires ¾ of the states (38) to have an Amendment passed.  This does not require a vote of Congress.  But we all know, getting any of the original Bill of Rights repealed is a dead issue.  So they will not go there since it will hurt them politically and the majority of the people would not support this as well as the state legislators. 

Then we have a Black deputy in Louisiana killed by another black male and yet we hear nothing from black lives matter.  Oh, excuse me, this was a deputy killed, so this does not apply.  We have blacks being murdered through black on black crime and black babies murdered through abortion and yet the usual suspects remain silent.  Hypocrites? Then again, the lamestream news media does not pursue these usual suspects and hound them to answer the question.  Not only answer, but demand a legitimate answer.  But they will go after Trump and the other republicans for an answer.  We know the lamestream news media do not want to ask any questions that may be offensive to the democratic candidates or should I say candidate.  What will they do if she gets prosecuted?  Wait, the DOJ and the FBI are being manipulated by the Executive branch.  It may not happen.  Just like the IRS, Fast and Furious, NSA spying, Benghazi and others, the facts will be buried. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Black Lives Matter?

If the Black Lives Matter group believed in what they advocate, then why are they not standing outside Planned Parenthood locations where 30% of abortions are performed on blacks and the most of the locations of Planned Parenthood are located in black areas?  In New York, more black babies are aborted then born.   This is what Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, encouraged through eugenics, the hope of eliminating blacks and other no so perfect people to develop a special race of “appropriate” humans.  Of course, we know Hitler tried this and we see how that worked out. 

If the Black Lives Matter group believe in what they advocate, then why are they not addressing the 72% of blacks born are to single mothers that only leads to a large percentage of this group continuing a life of poverty.

If the Black Lives Matter group believed in what they advocate, then why are they not addressing the tremendous loss of black lives through black on black crime?  Just read the Chicago statistics every week and that is not the only location.   

But we all know, this Black Lives Matter group are not concerned with all the above since it is not politically advantageous. 



Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The 14th Amendment

Nowhere in the 14th Amendment does it guarantee “Birthright Citizenship”.  So, this should be challenged in court since this was not the intent of this amendment when it was approved.  Must read and research this amendment process and draw your own conclusions.  Of course as long as Boehner and McConnell are in their positions, nothing will be done and we know, the democrats will definitely do nothing.  Remember, the 1st amendment does not state "Separation of Church and State".  Just a phrase that began with a letter by Thomas Jefferson and then became a phrase used by many. 

Hillary Speak

Hillary claims that she did not send or receive Top Secret or confidential Emails.  So the question to ask is, “What the hell did she do for 4 years as Secretary of State if she never saw, sent or read secret Emails”?   Just asking.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Chinese Hacking/Hillary’s Server

We now hear that China has been hacking into government sites, including Email accounts to acquire intelligence they can use either to benefit their country, affect our infrastructure or blackmail government employees.  China and Russia are well known to hack into our government and corporations and use this information against us or to benefit their country.  However, since Congress is unable to obtain Hillary Clinton’s server to verify what Emails actually went thru her server and if any were confidential and violated secrecy and security laws, we should just ask China to turn over all of Hillary’s Emails.  It does not take a brain surgeon, (sorry Dr. Carson) to learn from China what Congress cannot obtain from the Clinton’s.  In addition, China is known to have been hacking into our government since 2009.  And what happen in 2009?  Obama was sworn in as president.  Not that there is anything to see here. 

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Sen. Schumer and the Iranian deal

Sen. Charles Schumer of NY comes out against the Iranian nuclear deal because of his Jewish supporters who do not support this deal and the threat the deal presents to the security of Israel.  Now, a little common sense and a little thought, and one realizes that Sen. Schumer’s decision was to placate his supporters as he realized that the socialist democrats will provide enough votes to prevent an override of a presidential veto.  The republicans will need 67 votes in the senate to override a veto and since this is not a treaty, the house must vote to also override a veto and they will need 290 votes.  A 2/3 vote in both houses is required.  Neither the senate nor the house will get the necessary votes and Sen. Schumer made sure this was in play before he decided to voice his objection to this deal and the White House and news media show their surprise that Sen. Schumer would do this.  Believe me, if Sen. Schumer thought a presidential veto could be overridden, he would have devised another plan.  He is going to be the next democratic leader in the senate in 2017 and he is showing his ability to make sure President Obama has the necessary support on this Iranian deal.  The American people are duped again, something the socialist democrats are good at.  Hillary is the perfect example how the socialist democrats can dupe the American public.