Thursday, March 17, 2016

Trump and Fox News

The Donald has passed on another debate on Monday with Cruz and Kasich.  Consequently, as a result, Gov. Kasich has also declined to debate.  Both except Sen. Cruz.  Are these two afraid to face the music and answer tough questions that may expose themselves to weakness they may have on issues that are the concerned of the voter.  I believe Fox News should hold a question and answer with Cruz on Monday night as a replacement to the debate.  This way Cruz can give complete answers without a time limit and the loud hyenas in the audience crowding out his answers. 

What is surprising, except for what appears one person in Fox News, Fox News is a Trump supporter.  We have Trump and Friends in the morning, Cavuto and Trump in the afternoon, On the Record with Donald Trump at 7 pm, The Trump Factor at 8 pm and Hannity and Trump at 10 pm.  A candidate could not ask for anything better with a leading news organization.  After all, Hillary has the same with CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and MSNBC.   All Megyn Kelly asked is a legitimate question in the first Fox debate and Trump felt the question was not fair or appropriate.  Does he think as Commander in Chief his questions will be softball questions?  Only democrats get the softball questions that has become very obvious if you watch any democratic debate, townhall meeting or interview.  It would be nice to hear Trump and Kasich explain in more detail their positions rather than just make statements on what they will do without how they will get approval.  Much on what Trump wants to do will require Congressional approval or does he intends to ignore congress as Obama has done, requiring Congress going to court to stop implementation.  Contrary to what Obama and his socialist democrats believe, we do have a constitution.  Is Trump aware of this?

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Chicago Disturbance

We witness last night in Chicago an accumulation of the radicalization of college students against free speech.  What we witness last night was that speech is free only if it is the speech these students and professors accept the speech as something they support.  We have seen this attitude throughout many college campuses over the past 10 to 20 years as the radicals of the 60’s are not brainwashing the students of today. 

Our Founders gave us the 1st Amendment based on how the British and especially King George III would pursue anyone who spoke out against the King and England.  Although the Bill of Rights (the first 10 amendments to those who do not know the constitution) was not in the constitution when originally passed, but was promised by our Founders to be included as amendments to the constitution.  This promise was kept and the original 14 amendments the states wanted, was narrowed down to 10 after debates.  Imagine, our Founders actually kept to their promise.  Something we do not see today in Congress.  In 1986 when Pres. Reagan signed the immigration bill that granted amnesty to the one million illegals here, he was promised by the then Speaker of the House, Tip O’Neil, that Congress would pass border security legislation that the president wanted.  To date, we are still waiting for the democrats to pass such legislation. 

Although, I am not a supporter of Trump, he has the right to his speech whether we like it or not.  We can protest against what he says, but Trump has the right to say what he wants whether one considers his speech hate speech, anti-immigration or anti Muslim. When we start to restrict freedom of speech, we will become subject to only speech government will find acceptable.  This is what you see today in North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and Russia, Europe and even Canada. 

The news media is mostly responsible for this taking place as they are supposed to be the maintainers of our constitutional rights and report anytime our constitutional rights are being violated either through college campuses, or government.  But, when the news media is supportive of political correctness and the Marxist ideology we are seeing today in the news media and colleges, we have what we see today.   Remember this when you vote.  Do you want your rights restricted?  Remember, the constitution can only be changed through the amendment process, but we see many are trying to get the courts to change the constitution, since the amendment process would not get the 38 states to support changes.  No where in the constitution does it state that the constitution can be amended through the courts.  But, when we have judges that believe the constitution is a living, breathing document that must be changed today because we are in the 21st century and not the 18th century, we are going to lose our rights.  Our Founders believed our rights came from God, but today the liberals/Marxist in the Democratic Party like to assert that our rights come from government.  Remember, what government gives, government cant take away.   


Thursday, March 10, 2016

Brown Shirts again?

The brown shirts are at it again.  Excuse me, I meant to say the Trump bullies are at it again assaulting protestors and even a reporter.  I guess they were trying to relive the history of Germany in the 1930’s.  The next thing you know is we all will be raising our hands in the famous Nazi salute.  Oh, I forgot, that was already done.  I imagine Trump supporters are not familiar with the 1st Amendment.  Then again, having listened to Trump speeches over the past few months, I get the feeling he is not either or at least does not like to be criticized.  I thought the 2nd Amendment gave us that right, but then again, Trump may not see it that way.  Criticize Trump and he will come after you or his supporters will.  Imagine what we have to look forward to if he becomes president. 

Thursday, March 3, 2016

The Republican/Democrat Establishment worried?

The establishment in the Republican Party with Donald Trump and Ted Cruz running for president, are worried that their country club membership may be in jeopardy.  Since Trump is in the lead as of today, they have sent out a former president candidate loser to jump all over Trump with allegations.  Now, I am not a Trump supporter and would love to see the so called establishment wiped out (Karl Rove’s of the party).  The republicans have been promising us for 8 years that if you give us the House and when they did nothing, then the Senate, they could control and stop the Obama onslaught of destroying our constitution.  Now they claim give us the presidency and we can make changes.  They are a bunch of losers and must be told, both democrats and republicans, to go screw yourself and be voted out of office.  We are supposed to be a government of the people, by the people and for the people.  However, the establishment in both parties believe they and their monetary providers should tell us what is good for us.  We have 535 members of Congress and approximately 500 should be voted out of office and strong candidates that actually believe in our constitution replace them.   We have members in Congress that are clueless on what is in our constitution and have the belief that they can do what they want while in office.  This is why we need term limits, but as I have said many times, criminals will not legislate against themselves, although we need 38 states to pass a constitutional amendment. 

Remember, your local congressman/women is chosen by the powers within your local party for you to support.  This works most of the time, but did not work in Texas with Ted Crus or recently in Kentucky with their new governor where candidates fought the establishment and won.  The republican powers fear Ted Cruz since he has exposed the hypocrisy in the Senate and how Mitch McConnell has lied to the people and those in the Senate.  So, today it is Trump and behind the scenes it is Cruz, the two most feared candidates for the republican establishment.  But, Cruz has been doing this before he was elected to the Senate.

The democrats are pushing a future felon for presidency and have refused and attempted to obstruct congressional investigations as well as pleading with the president to downplay this investigation.  Just like Trump statement that he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and his supporters would still support him, the democrats will support Hillary regardless of how much damage she caused to our country and intelligence agencies.  It is not about the candidate, but how much power will that candidate provide them and their monetary providers.  You must also realize that your representatives always shows interest in you during election time and then after getting in office, he wants your monetary support continuously throughout his term.  However, if you are a big contributor, you can write your own ticket. 

We created this monster and we can destroy it.  All we have to do is wake up and do not be stupid on what is happening in this country and the world as we see where shows do man on the street interviews.  It seems more people then you realize are clueless on the candidates, the country and the world.   God help us.  Please.    

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The ticket to save our country and constitution

Having watched the primaries for both parties, I have finally come to the following conclusion.

I believe the only way our country will survive and our constitution will survive if we have a dream ticket.  My choice is for President, Ted Cruz, VP, Marco Rubio and Health and Human Services, Ben Carson, maybe Rand Paul as Treasury Secretary.   Former Lt. Colonel Allan West as Defense Secretary or General Jack Keane.  Just some of those who are loyal to our country and constitution.  Let’s not forget John Bolton as UN Secretary.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

News media reporting

Having watched the various news media outlets from the three big networks to the cable news networks, it is obvious that they are doing their best to get you vote for the candidate they select.  In this case it appears to be Donald Trump as they know as well as the Democratic Party, they are sitting on information that will adversely affect the Trump candidacy if he is selected as the republican nominee. They are in for Hillary.   In fact, the station that claims to be Fair and Balance seems to be all in for Trump except for a few that includes Megyn Kelly and one or three on Fox Business.  It is amazing how they just like the other networks are kissing Trump’s ass as they all try to be the first to get an interview.  Trump gets the interviews while other candidates are lucky to even get an honorable mention.  It seems no matter what station you listen to, it is Trump, Trump and more Trump.  As if he was the only candidate in the republican party running.  Just like the democrats have already made sure Hillary will be their candidate by using super delegates.  Hillary has been selected since 2008, but a bump in the road in 2008 derailed her bid and now they are selecting her to be the one they want the voters to vote for. 

So we are going to be choosing a potential felon who may be taken the oath of office if prosecuted in jail and another who has difficulty in telling the truth, but is quick to criticize anyone who calls him out on the real facts using profanity, insults and degrading of the individual.  Is this we want in a president?  In fact, either one.  One would think with approximately 320 Million in population, we can do better than these two.  But again we hear the three magic words, “One Would Think”.  Something may voters do not seem to be capable of doing.