Saturday, March 12, 2016

Chicago Disturbance

We witness last night in Chicago an accumulation of the radicalization of college students against free speech.  What we witness last night was that speech is free only if it is the speech these students and professors accept the speech as something they support.  We have seen this attitude throughout many college campuses over the past 10 to 20 years as the radicals of the 60’s are not brainwashing the students of today. 

Our Founders gave us the 1st Amendment based on how the British and especially King George III would pursue anyone who spoke out against the King and England.  Although the Bill of Rights (the first 10 amendments to those who do not know the constitution) was not in the constitution when originally passed, but was promised by our Founders to be included as amendments to the constitution.  This promise was kept and the original 14 amendments the states wanted, was narrowed down to 10 after debates.  Imagine, our Founders actually kept to their promise.  Something we do not see today in Congress.  In 1986 when Pres. Reagan signed the immigration bill that granted amnesty to the one million illegals here, he was promised by the then Speaker of the House, Tip O’Neil, that Congress would pass border security legislation that the president wanted.  To date, we are still waiting for the democrats to pass such legislation. 

Although, I am not a supporter of Trump, he has the right to his speech whether we like it or not.  We can protest against what he says, but Trump has the right to say what he wants whether one considers his speech hate speech, anti-immigration or anti Muslim. When we start to restrict freedom of speech, we will become subject to only speech government will find acceptable.  This is what you see today in North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and Russia, Europe and even Canada. 

The news media is mostly responsible for this taking place as they are supposed to be the maintainers of our constitutional rights and report anytime our constitutional rights are being violated either through college campuses, or government.  But, when the news media is supportive of political correctness and the Marxist ideology we are seeing today in the news media and colleges, we have what we see today.   Remember this when you vote.  Do you want your rights restricted?  Remember, the constitution can only be changed through the amendment process, but we see many are trying to get the courts to change the constitution, since the amendment process would not get the 38 states to support changes.  No where in the constitution does it state that the constitution can be amended through the courts.  But, when we have judges that believe the constitution is a living, breathing document that must be changed today because we are in the 21st century and not the 18th century, we are going to lose our rights.  Our Founders believed our rights came from God, but today the liberals/Marxist in the Democratic Party like to assert that our rights come from government.  Remember, what government gives, government cant take away.   


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