Thursday, January 31, 2013


During President Obama's first 4 years, the blame for the poor economy was all Pres. Bush's fault.  Now, for the next 4 years it seems the new mantra will be the poor economy is due to those mean Republicans and Fox news.  It is amazing that this president and his minions cannot and will not accept blame for their failures.  They must find someone else to blame just like in the present gun debate where the guns are to blame for all the shootings and yet, most if not all of these shootings are the result of mental health issues with the shooter.  But, since this administration has serious issues with the constitution especially the Bill of Rights, they will do there best to find some way of restricting our rights through maneuvering around the constitution.  The only way to change the constitution is through getting 3/4 of the states (38) approving an amendment and since they know they will never get amendment approval to promote their Marxist ideas, they will try other methods.  If you know history, you will see that this has been done during Hitler's Germany, Castro's Cuba and today in Chavez's Venezuela as well as the former Soviet Union.  As Pres. Reagan once said, "Government is the problem, not the answer."  The Obama administration epitomizes this statement.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Who is lying to Congress?

In her testimony before Congress, Hillary Clinton stated she was not watching any real live video of the Benghazi attach and it took a few days before the facts were known and yet Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Charlene Lamb testified the following:   

"When the attack began, a Diplomatic Security agent working in the Tactical Operations Center immediately activated the Imminent Danger Notification System and made an emergency announcement over the PA. Based on our security protocols, he also alerted the annex U.S. quick reaction security team stationed nearby, the Libyan 17th February Brigade, Embassy Tripoli, and the Diplomatic Security Command Center in Washington. From that point on, I could follow what was happening in almost real-time." 

One of them was lying and lying to Congress is a criminal offense.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Open letter to John Boehner

We may not control the White House and Senate, but the House controls the purse strings and we must not cave to the President and his reckless spending.  Remember we are a Constitutional Republic and we, the House, can control spending.  But does the House have the backbone.  The continuing debt will destroy this country and the working people and the future of our children.  The question I ask Congress, does the constitution matter anymore or are we going to create a Marxist dictatorship where Congress become irrelevant and just a rubber stamp for the dictator?  History has shown this has never worked.  We must have cuts in spending and not over a 10 year period that we all know sounds good, but will last at most 2 years until a new Congress is sworn into office.  We need cuts this year, 2013, and they should be close to $500 billion.  We should cut funding to most cabinet agencies and introduce a budget that mirrors the 2000 budget.  Spending must be drastically cut and those cuts must be much more than dollar for dollar, which is really a joke.  Will the next four years be our last hurrah as a country or are we going to get a backbone and tell the American people that the Republicans are standing for the constitution and are out to save our Republic or is getting elected and remaining in power more important?  The choice is yours and the other Republicans in the House.  What will you choose, power or the Republic?

Our Debt, the President and Congress

The President and Congress have kicked the can down the road again.  We have increased taxation on the so called wealthy that will bring in enough income to pay our bills for approximately 6 days.  Meanwhile, we run a deficit each year of approximately $1.3 Trillion and this new agreement will actually decrease the deficit to $1.25 Trillion.  Whoopee!.  Our political leaders are only concerned with power and getting re-elected.  As we keep printing money to pay our debt, our 401K, Social Security and savings become worth less while the price of goods and services naturally increase. We have a spending problem, not an income problem.  Cutting spending at least $500 billion in 2013 is what is needed, but our elected officials like to give us numbers over a 10 year period that sound good, but is not the answer.  This is like the former Soviet Union that would come up with a new 5 year plan every 2 years and we know how that worked.  A new Congress every 2 years will kill any 10 year plan and we know the news media will not address how serious our deficit problem really is since they are providing cover for this administration and its reckless spending.   

Since 50% of the voters are dumb and another 25% are clueless, the only choice we may have is to stock up on non-perishable food items for what awaits us.  We are going to make Greece seem like a 50 year high school reunion.