Thursday, January 31, 2013


During President Obama's first 4 years, the blame for the poor economy was all Pres. Bush's fault.  Now, for the next 4 years it seems the new mantra will be the poor economy is due to those mean Republicans and Fox news.  It is amazing that this president and his minions cannot and will not accept blame for their failures.  They must find someone else to blame just like in the present gun debate where the guns are to blame for all the shootings and yet, most if not all of these shootings are the result of mental health issues with the shooter.  But, since this administration has serious issues with the constitution especially the Bill of Rights, they will do there best to find some way of restricting our rights through maneuvering around the constitution.  The only way to change the constitution is through getting 3/4 of the states (38) approving an amendment and since they know they will never get amendment approval to promote their Marxist ideas, they will try other methods.  If you know history, you will see that this has been done during Hitler's Germany, Castro's Cuba and today in Chavez's Venezuela as well as the former Soviet Union.  As Pres. Reagan once said, "Government is the problem, not the answer."  The Obama administration epitomizes this statement.

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