Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Open letter to John Boehner

We may not control the White House and Senate, but the House controls the purse strings and we must not cave to the President and his reckless spending.  Remember we are a Constitutional Republic and we, the House, can control spending.  But does the House have the backbone.  The continuing debt will destroy this country and the working people and the future of our children.  The question I ask Congress, does the constitution matter anymore or are we going to create a Marxist dictatorship where Congress become irrelevant and just a rubber stamp for the dictator?  History has shown this has never worked.  We must have cuts in spending and not over a 10 year period that we all know sounds good, but will last at most 2 years until a new Congress is sworn into office.  We need cuts this year, 2013, and they should be close to $500 billion.  We should cut funding to most cabinet agencies and introduce a budget that mirrors the 2000 budget.  Spending must be drastically cut and those cuts must be much more than dollar for dollar, which is really a joke.  Will the next four years be our last hurrah as a country or are we going to get a backbone and tell the American people that the Republicans are standing for the constitution and are out to save our Republic or is getting elected and remaining in power more important?  The choice is yours and the other Republicans in the House.  What will you choose, power or the Republic?

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