Thursday, September 10, 2015

Iran Nulear Deal and More

What is not being discussed in the Iran Nuclear Deal is that the United States will defend Iran against attack from any nation that tries to destroy their centrifuges.  (Primary aimed at Israel) 

Iran desires a nuclear weapon to accelerate the coming of the 12 Madhi.  The history of the 12 Madhi is he will come right after the destruction of the non-believers has begun.  So, acquiring nuclear weapons and using them even though the country of Iran may be destroyed, will not phrase them since they will be with Allah and 21 virgins.  Yet, our president is pushing this Iranian deal knowing all this and those democrats that want to support this plan for the good of the party will have the blood of the world on their hands.  Remember, they are voting for this plan, not for what is good for this country, but what is good for Obama and the Democratic Party.  And yet, the Iranian Mullahs are chanting “Death to America and Death to Israel”.  But we must make a nuclear deal with these people.  Are we nuts.

You must also remember or realize that our great president believes that all the problems in the Middle East are caused by the United States, England and Israel.  This is the dream of his father that he is living.   

His father had a dislike of England going back to the early 50’s when the then Winston Churchill had to send military troops to what today is Kenya to quell an uprising that was slaughtering the natives.  This is the reason that right after Obama took office he returned a statue of Winston Churchill that was given to us by England after 9/11 symbolizing their unity with us. 

Remember, our great leader grew up with a dislike of our country and this with the help of his card carrying communist grandparents, his communist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis and of course our 1960’s terrorist Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dorn who were behind his run for the Illinois assembly, the U. S. Senate and the presidency.   His ideology is anti-American contrary to what some may claim.  I might also add, a closet Muslim.


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