Friday, March 28, 2014

The 2014 Senate elections.

We now see the democratic Senators that are up for election this November worried about their chances to get reelected because of the unpopularity of ACA (AKA Obamacare) that is declining as more and more people learn the truth.  I feel sorry for these Senators that voted for legislation that they never read, were clueless what the legislation actually contained and reinforced the lies of Kathleen Sebelius and President Obama that you could keep your doctor, keep your insurance plan and you can save $2500 in premium payments.  Now the lies have come home to roost, and the Senators are worried.  Of course, they are not worried about what is contained in Obamacare, not worried about the nearly $18 Trillion in debt, not worried about the uncontrolled spending us into oblivion, our declining status in the world, and the poor job market, but are only concerned about getting reelected.  It is all about keeping their seat, remaining in power, keeping their party in power and trying to placate the voters by hoping to change parts of Obamacare that will get them voter support.  It has nothing to do about what is happening to this country under the ideology of our present administration that is contrary to what our Founders gave us.  As Thomas Jefferson is quoted as saying, "Power corrupts", and we are seeing that today from the White House on down.   I hope in the fall election we can start choosing and electing candidates that actually believe in this country's greatness.

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