Friday, March 14, 2014

And they are holding elected office

So, congresswomen Sheila Jackson Lee praises our 400 year old constitution.  If my arithmetic is correct, especially since I never had Common Core, that means our constitution was passed by our Founders in 1614.   

President Obama when campaigning in 2008 claimed he visited 57 states. 

Sen. Harry Reid claimed Mitt Romney did not pay taxes for 10 year.  He heard this from a reliable person. 

Congresswomen Nancy Pelosi now claims republicans hate children in addition women. 

I do not know what these people have been eating, but maybe wild berries and are hallucinating.  But, they got voted into officer repeatedly.  What does that say about those that voted them into office. Is there any hope for our country? 

 Yes, these are democrats, but republicans are not much better.  Give them a few years and we can say the same about them, unless they read our constitution and realize that we are a Republic form of government and not a dictatorship and they got elected to actually cut spending, balance the budget, cut taxes to give the citizens more money to spend and get the economy going and stop the war against those that are successful.   Since when is being successful in business and making money honestly through hard work and applying your knowledge, skills and ability to better yourself a crime.  Why should the benefits of your hard work be given to someone who does not work hard and expect you to pay them.   Life is not fair, nobody can make if fair and all you want is the opportunity to prove yourself.  Proving yourself requires working hard at whatever job you have to until either a better job comes through or you are recognized for your hard work and get promoted.   Being lazy, absenteeism, poor work skills will not get you a better job.  To be successful, you must work at it.  Not everyone will reach the top, but you may be successful by providing a good income and what that income can get you.  However, you must not stop striving to better yourself throughout your career.  Unless of course, you run for Congress.  Obviously, there are exceptions and that just happened to be one of them.

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