Monday, March 17, 2014

CIA Spying

So now have seen the CIA and the White House spying on congress, hacking into their computers. With that we can safely say, they are also monitoring members phones.  This is a major violation of our Constitution and Bill of Rights.  This is Treason and is criminal.  The question I pose is: What is more important to our elected officials, the constitution or the party in power?  If it is the constitution then they should take legal, criminal proceedings or if they wish to protect the party in power, then surrender our constitutional rights.  Any information used from the information collected, you can rest assured will be used as blackmail to get the votes they need.  Now, I understand why Chief Supreme Court Justice John Roberts changed his judicial opinion on Obamacare (ACA)just before the court gave its opinion.  When a government, regardless of what party is in power, has this much power, we have no constitution.  Yes, this can keep the democrats in power, but at what cost.  Freedom?

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