Monday, October 7, 2019

Is it Treason?

Since the day after the then candidate Donald Trump was elected, the socialist democrats have been engaged in phony allegations to remove President Trump from office.  Their efforts is to overthrow a dully elected president because he is exposing exactly what he meant when he said during his campaign, “Drain the Swamp”.  I might add this swamp is not only in Congress, but as Sen. Chuck Schumer said, “If you mess with the intelligence community they have 6 ways from Sunday to get you”.  We now know what he meant.  It has become obvious that our elected representatives may not really be running the country, but unelected bureaucrats that have gained control and as we see are actively engaged in destroying this president.  President Trump was not supposed to get elected, since with Hillary as president they would still remain in the shadows.  This is what is called the shadow government.  And we thought when we voted, our vote would count.   The election of President Trump has exposed these treasonous actors that include members of both parties, although the socialist democrats are pushing this coup.  The question to ask, are you going to allow the shadow government to remain in control, or make sure you vote in the future will count by making sure this coup is not successful?  It does not matter which party you support, but the swamp should not be running the country. 

We are seeing that today from the intelligence community.  The intelligence community that gave our country false information that got us into wars we did not need.  I speak of Iraq where we devised a scheme to have Saddam Hussein removed when in fact he was a buffer against Iran.  But, it was the intelligence community that developed the information for war that we latter learned was basically all BS.  Secretary of State Colin Powell also realized this, but too late as we already went to war.  It makes me wonder about the Bay of Tonkin incident that accelerated us into pouring more troops in Vietnam. 

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