Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Joe Biden denied Holy Communion in a Catholic Church in SC and more.

The Catholic Church is a strong advocate of pro-life and this is reflected throughout the history of the church.  It has long taught that to receive the Sacraments of the Church one must be in communion with the church teachings.  We know that catholic politicians like to say that they do not wish to impose their beliefs on others and that is why they would support abortion legislation, even though they are opposed to abortion.  But, they then allow others who are strong supporters of abortion to impose their beliefs.  One cannot have it both ways.  You are either for or against abortion.  But we know politicians always like to use fancy rhetoric on just about any issue to avoid a definite answer pro or con. 

So, Joe Biden also claims as others in his party that abortion is healthcare.  How the killing of an innocent baby in the womb or now just after birth is healthcare is beyond my comprehension.  Science has proved that life begins at conception and one can detect a heartbeat within 21 days.  But for Joe Biden and others in his party, this has no meaning and until a baby is born it is just a lump of tissue.  Of course that does not explain the killing of the baby right after birth or what we now see through sonograms.  We also know these people are politicians and will say just about anything to get elected, even if it goes against their beliefs.  Politicians that cave on their beliefs to get elected, should never be elected since they will never deliver on their promises. 

Even though President Trump has been harassed, investigated at every turn, and obstructed by the Socialist Party in the House, he is still delivering on what he promised to the dismay of these socialist.  Promises made and promises kept.  Something the swamp hates since the voters will expect the same from them.  And the swamp includes both the Socialist Party and Republican Party members.  President Trump has exposed the swamp for what it is and the swamp is doing their best to stop this exposure by attempting to have the president impeached.   The impeachment will go nowhere in the Senate and the socialist know this so they will attempt to drag this out until the next election in November 2020.  When the Inspector General report comes out together with the AG Barr and DOJ Durham report on criminal activity and treasonous behavior of those involved, then we will see exactly how dangerous the swamp really is.  They are being exposed and the control they had over all branches of government is slowly being eroded and being exposed.  The voters thought they were electing their representatives to represent them and they are finding out that the unelected bureaucrats were actually in control and making the decisions and their representatives were and are afraid to speak out for fear they will not get re-elected and lose their power and control.  In essence, this is what the swamp is all about, power and control over you.  Period, Amen.  Again, Sen.  Chuck Schumer verified all this when President Trump questioned some intelligence and Sen. Schumer stated, “If you go after the intelligence community, they will come after you 6 ways from Sunday”.  This showed the fear these representatives have with the swamp and prefer keeping their job rather than developing a backbone.  Trump has that backbone and they  are jealous. 

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