Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Christmas, Jesus and Allah

As Christmas approaches and Christians around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus that came into the world to save us from sin and preached “love thy neighbor” but was crucified for his preaching since he was a threat to the powers that be during that time period. 

Seven hundred years later, we have a person known as Mohammed, who claimed God (Allah) spoke to him and what we saw was the slaughter of thousands of non-believers as this religions known as Islam marched across the Middle East bringing death, destruction to many.  So, Jesus comes into the world preaching peace and Mohammed comes into the world claiming Allah wants world destruction for those that will not accept his concept of religion.  Of course that concept requires exploitation of women, rape, beheading, stoning dismemberment and more.  In addition, one can marry a 9 year old.  Now, in today’s society, anyone that attempted to do that would be called a pedophile.  But, under Islam it is acceptable.  And ISIS has the audacity to call us out for not accepting their beliefs.  Well, Christians, Jews and other religious organizations see them for what they are: Satan followers and are attempting to get the world to bow down to Satan and not God.  Jesus came in peace, Allah claims, follow me or be slaughtered.  Again your choice.  Defend your liberty and freedom of religion, or join evil.  Evil must be defeated.  But we know our great leader seems to think otherwise. I guess, if terrorist went out and started to destroy golf courses, we might see a more aggressive response.    

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