Saturday, December 5, 2015

Understanding Obama and his democratic party

If you find it difficult why our great leader and his administration will not use the phrase, ‘Radical Islamic Terrorism”, and why the democrats continually push for gun control, then I strongly recommend you read “The Enemies Within”, by Trevor Loudon.  You will realize what you are witnessing has been planned for many years and that is the targeted decline of our country that began in the 1960’s.  And we might add, who was great friends with our great leader, none other then that great radical terrorist Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadette Dorn. 
Remember, as I have indicated before, our great leader’s grandparents, were card carrying members of the communist party and introduced our great leader to his mentor Frank Marshal Davis who was a communist and founder of a communist newspaper in Chicago and Valarie Jarrett’s father was an admirer of Frank Marshal Davis.  The FBI had and probably still has a thick file on Frank M. Davis.  Valarie Jarrett is the close adviser to our great leader and has been living in the White House since the Obama’s moved in and is the one who is making all the decisions. 
Our great leader promised a transformation of our country and he and his socialist/Marxist democrats are pursuing that with great zeal.  In fact, the 2016 election is going to be our last free election in which we will actually have a choice between socialism, Marxism or Capitalism.  The future of our country is at stake and if you do not know or realize this, you better wake up quickly.  Just, sit back and review what has been happening over the past 7 years of our great leader’s administration and you will see what I am talking about.  We had, Fast and Furious, designed to push control in this country that failed.  IRS targeting conservative groups, companies and corporations.  The DOJ going after conservative groups and states that were and are fighting against our great leader’s executive orders and agency rules and regulations. 
 These are just a few of what this administration is doing and you thought this only took place in the former Soviet Union, today’s Russia, Cuba, Venezuela and other South American countries where socialism has taken hold and where these countries see their economy fail.  Government control is what our great leader and his fellow socialist/Marxist democrats are doing their best to implement and our constitution be dammed.  The choice is yours.  Either continue to sleep and wake up in a different country or stand up and fight back.  Socialism, Marxism and communism has failed where ever it has been tried.  What is does bring is the government telling you how to live and what you can and cannot do, except for those in power who enjoy the great life. 

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