Thursday, December 3, 2015

San Bernardino Shooting/Facts so far

So, before the shooting victims even hit the floor, our great leader, President Obama, comes out with his usual political rhetoric for gun control.   So, before any facts are known, and rather than offer prayers to the victims, he talks about gun control. As usual, he speaks out before knowing the facts just like he did in Cambridge Mass. where the police acted stupidly, or Ferguson Mo., Baltimore, Charlotte, Ft. Hood and all the other shootings.  His ideology always gets in the way of the facts. 
Anyone with half a brain (Sorry Obama) knows that if you enter a building fully equipped with bulletproof vest, rifles, handguns and in dressed appropriately, this is a well-planned attack and not workplace violence.  In addition having pipe bombs in your car and in your home and engaged in activity in your home late at night, this attack is not workplace violence. 
So, if the liberals, socialist/Marxist Democratic Party wants gun control, then they better ban knives, machetes, iron pipes that can be used to make pipe bombs and the small battery operated toy cars that these two shooters had in their home to use as bomb carriers.  That is correct.  Used to transport small bombs under buses, cars or other public locations. 
All the facts on this shooting is not being reported as this investigation is ongoing and if this was just workplace violence, we would know much more which tells you how this investigation is expanding. But we do know he went to Saudi Arabia and married a Saudi women.  Another Saudi connection as we had with 9/11 and Boston bombing. 
While this investigation is ongoing, I would recommend you get yourself properly trained in the use of a firearm and/or rifle and f you can purchase a weapon, secure it in a safe for family safety.  Then go out and join the NRA to protect your 2nd Amendment rights.  If the liberals want gun control, then start the procedure to repeal the 2nd Amendment as described in the constitution.  Next time you hear a liberal talk gun control, ask them why they are not pushing for repeal of the 2nd Amendment.  You cannot legislate your 2nd Amendment rights away, although the liberals will try. 
This is Radical Islamic Terrorism and do not let anyone tell you differently.  By the way, this past Thanksgiving weekend in Chicago, 84 people were shot and 15 killed.  Yet, we have not heard Obama, Clinton, Sanders and O’Malley crying for gun control in Chicago.  But you can rest assured Obama was using his prayer rug yesterday asking for more directions on how to destroy this country. 
Obama promised to transform our country and he is doing just that.  Over $19 Trillion debt, reducing all branches of our military while the world is on fire and we are threatened by Radical Islamic Terrorist and encouraging civil unrest with his comments whether it is black lives matter or police shootings and using the IRS, FBI EPA and NSA among other government agencies to attack his political enemies.  A government out of control.  2016 will be our last free election.  Hope we survive. 







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