Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Democratic Children’s Hour

The Democrats in the House of Representatives yesterday engaged in the children’s hours by engaging in a sit-in similar to what you would see in a kindergarten where children can be observed sitting on the floor engaged in activity.  Of course, the children are engaged in activity to accomplish something while the democrats were engaged in an activity to accomplish absolutely nothing.  The Senate voted on 4 anti-gun proposals and the all were defeated.  However, the democrats just like spoiled little children could not accept NO as an answer so they decided to sit down in the House and brood and chant.  

If you listened or observed this children’s hour yesterday you would have heard how the democrats do not want to disarm their security but have no problem in disarming the citizens.  Remember, as our Founding Fathers knew, disarming the citizens creates an over powering government that can then easily crush the people.
All the political elite, Hollywood elitist and others that have come out for gun control, have themselves, security personnel that carry guns.  So, it comes down to “do as I say, not as I do”.  Sounds similar to Hillary Clinton.  She is against Wall Street, but has no problem accepting money from Wall Street.  Then again, Hillary has had armed security since her husband was governor of Arkansas.  Over 25 years.  How many of you can claim the same.  

None of the gun legislation would have prevented any of the shootings we have seen over the past 7 years.  But, we know if all the law-abiding citizens that own guns, do not violate any of our laws, but according to these liberals are responsible for all these shootings.  The fact that the FBI screwed up on Omar Mateen due to political correctness is the issue.  Political correctness was responsible for Major Nidal Malik Hasan shooting in Ft. Hood.  The military knew about Hasan’s radical rants, but buried their head in the sand.  In Chattanooga, the soldiers was basically in a gun free zone.  In fact all these shooting were in a gun free zone.  Colorado movie theater, Columbine H.S., the Orlando shooting, Sandy Hook school shooting and so on.  None of those involved in these shooting were on a terror list or a No Fly List.  Although, both Matten and Hasan were known to the authorities and due to political correctness, did absolutely nothing. 
But, out children in Congress want to not only remove your gun rights guaranteed under the 2nd Amendment but deny you due process guaranteed under the 4th Amendment.  In other words, they want to destroy the Bill of Rights that have guaranteed our liberty since their inception in 1791.  Remember, the constitution was approved by the 13 states without the Bill of Rights, although this approval was based on the promise by the Founding Fathers that they would be added later.  Unlike, todays present Congress and their lack of follow through on promises, this was done.  (Thanks to Madison and Jefferson)  Originally, the states submitted 12 Bill of Rights Amendments that were negotiated down to 10. Citizens must know the history of our Founding Fathers and why we have our constitution and Bill of Rights or you can rest assured under both parties, they will cut back on your guaranteed rights slowly and before you know it, you will have no rights.  The constitution can only be changed thru the amendment process, but we see ideology changing the constitution as the liberal/Marxist want us to accept that the constitution is a living, breathing document and the amendment process is passé. 

These Socialist/Marxist know that they will never get an amendment passed to change our Bill of Rights so they will try to do it this way.  This is the main reason why the presidential election is extremely important.  Hillary will appoint radical justices while Trump will appoint those who believe in the constitution.  At least that is what he has claimed.  But we know from her liberal/socialist history, Hillary will not be appointing justices that think the amendment process is the only way to change to constitution.  Your constitutional rights are in jeopardy of being lost.  Why?  Any new justices will be in their positions for close to 20 years.  It will not take a liberal 20 years to destroy this country.  Look what Obama has done in only 7 ½ years. 
So, this presidential election is and may be the most important election in our history.  Do we want government bureaucrats to control our lives or the constitution as written?  No voting in this election could be your last.  These bureaucrats want to maintain their power and control over the citizens, just like we are witnessing in Venezuela today.  Which we see is not working.  Venezuela is socialism at its best.  Socialism has never worked and never will.  In socialism, only the government bureaucrats live well not those they rule over.  

There is also a movement throughout the world to eliminate all borders so people can move wherever they want to and all this will be under a One World Government.  Imagine the United Nations controlling the world and us.  Just look at the mess in that organization and do a true examination of what is happening in the EU and you will get a better picture.  Most countries on our planet do not like our constitution and if they had their way, there would be no such rights as guaranteed in our constitution.  Just look at other countries that claim to be free.  Now you have a better understanding why people fled to this country over the years. 

Again, Wake Up America.  Guns are not killing our citizens, Radical Islamic Terrorist are.  Islam is being used by these radicals for their slaughter and claiming that Allah has sent them on this mission.  Of course, those of us with at least half of a brain know that the name Allah they claim is really Satan.  These radicals have high jacked a religion or have they?  We know Islam is a political ideology and only 15% is a religion.  These radicals are following the 85% side and where is the 15% side that claim their religion has been high jacked.  I know only of a few that have come out of the approximately 1.4 Billion Muslims.  

As a certain news station states, “I report, you decide”.

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