Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Did Islamophobia cause the Orlando Shooting?

FBI Director has admitted that the FBI did not follow up on their investigation of the Orlando shooter Omar Mateen due to Islamophobia, AKA political correctness. 

So, this goes straight back to the White House that has been pushing this crap since 2009 that we cannot offend people of the Islamic faith and has used the DOJ to go after those that do.  So, now we see what this policy has caused.  We will hear from the socialist/Marxist democrats from Obama, Hillary and their followers that this is not correct and we must treat all people with respect.  We now know, this applies to potential terrorist.  

Also, I you must remember that under our current great leader, the FBI and our military was told to remove all training material on Islamic radicals.  As in the past with other radical Islamic terrorist in our country, there is a Saudi Arabia connection as Omar Mateen visited this country twice.  Our great leader will claim he was making the trip to visit Mecca as all Muslims are required to do in their lifetime.  If you believe this, I know a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.  

The American public are now the victims of political correctness and when and until we rid our government of this stupidity, we will be under the threat of more terrorist acts.  I hope the voters realize this or are they going to remain clueless uninformed idiots.

By the way, when we had the shooting of a criminal in Ferguson, MO. when he attacked a police officer, our great leader called the family, and sent 10 lawyers from the civil rights division of the DOJ as well as the AG, Loretta Lynch.  To date, we have heard nothing.  And all those LGBT people thought he was on their side.   

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