Saturday, June 11, 2016

Memo to Donald Trump

During the primary campaign we have seen The Donald insult his way to the nomination that many of his supporters enjoyed.  The Donald was what is known as a huckster during the primaries.  His supporters believed The Donald was not politically correct and most of us know that political correctness has become the scourge of our freedoms today as it seems no matter how you may express yourself on an issue, there is a group out there that will be upset.  My attitude towards these groups is “Get a Life”.  But, I digress from my memo. 

Rather than insult the democrats and your political opposition, talk issues and you will have a winning formula.  And there are a ton of issues to discuss against Hillary and Obama.  Fast and Furious, NSA spying, Obamacare and their exorbitant increasing cost, IRS becoming an arm of the Obama administration by singling out conservative groups and using the FBI, Justice Dept. as well as other agencies as an enforcement arm against their political opposition.  Then we have Benghazi, Russia reset button, the Libya debacle, supporting Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, the Iranian nuclear deal, Russia invasion into Ukraine and Georgia as well as the Clinton Criminal Foundation and Email scandal.  Not mentioned is the economic doldrums our country is in with the lowest labor participation rate in nearly 40 years, jobs created that are either part time or low wage jobs.  In addition, pushing for a $15 an hour wage even for those with limited or no job skills as well as poorly educated.  No small business can afford this higher wage and we will see increase unemployment of youth and low skill workers as well as computers replacing workers for a business to reduce cost.  A high wage of this type will also bring inflation as business will have to raise prices at higher rates than wages would increase. 

All these are legitimate issues that must be discussed, and yet The Donald gets lost in displaying his egotistical personality over issues.  This may have worked in the primaries, but such rhetoric gets boring and the voters want a discussion on issues.  So for Trump, I say get on message and as was used in the 1990’s, it is the economy stupid” as well as Hillary’s poor performance as Secretary of State, the Email scandal and Clinton Criminal Foundation.  But remember, you did donate to this foundation that was probably for a favor.  Be prepared and start a real campaign or become another Republican loser.  And we all know you do not want to be known as a loser.  Your personality could not accept that.

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