Thursday, June 23, 2016

Supreme Court Immigration Decision

The Supreme Court decision on the president’s move to legislate from the oval office was shot down by a tie vote of 4 to 4, thus sending the decision back to the courts where the ruling against Obama stands.  Those who support Obama’s immigration fiat were dismayed while those that were against Obama’s fiat were pleased.  However, lost in all this is the fact that 4 Supreme Court Justices indicated they approved of the president creating laws, contrary to our constitution.  In other words, they believe the president can be a dictator and make laws at will.  Our constitution states all laws must be passed by Congress and only Congress, but the ideology of the 4 justices believe in dictatorship.  This should worry everyone since if this ruling went the other way, Congress would have been useless and the people would have no representation.  That is why this election will involve control of the Supreme Court as if is possible during the 4 year term, the next president could appoint at least 4 judges. 

If Hillary is elected, you can kiss your constitution and freedoms goodbye as she has indicated the justices she appoints will reflect her socialist/Marxist ideology.  Think about this when you go into the voting booth since Hillary has indicated she believes in open borders and will not pursue illegals.  Just look at what has been happening in Europe and that alone is frightening.  Wake up America.

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