Saturday, June 25, 2016

British vote

The British finally came to their senses after nearly 40 years and demanded their sovereignty back and not have their lives taken over by a group of unelected bureaucrats in Brussels that they have no control over.  

This is similar to what we see in our country where we have unelected bureaucrats in various agencies, EPA is the perfect example, where they issue laws and regulations without any congressional approval where all laws are supposed to be passed.   Congress must get their power back and pass legislation where all rules, regulations and laws issued by any agency must have the vote of the majority of their members. 
We learned from Britain that they could not buy curved bananas, had to use less powerful hair dryers, different type of toasters and vacuum cleaners as directed by the Brussels bureaucrats and their elected representatives in Parliament could not change. 
The rich elitist in Britain wanted to remain in the EU since they were unaffected by such ridiculous polices, but the average person was and that is the reason they voted to leave.  Just look at the vote and you can see this from those locations where the elitist live, they voted to stay, and where the hard workers live, they voted to leave. 
Sounds familiar.  The elitist in both political parties in our country are doing or have done their best to not have Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump represent their parties.  The people voted for these candidates and yet, the elitist want to ignore the people as they have done for years in the party and in Congress.  We know Bernie had no chance since 2008 when Hillary was crowned the democratic candidate, but there was a glitch when Obama came on the scene.   So, the votes of the people in the Democratic Party do not matter, Hillary was their pick.  The Republican Party feels the same with Trump, and are doing their best to try to disrupt the republican convention and ignore the vote of the people and select the candidate they want.  Remember, it is not what the voter wants, it is always what the elitist in both parties want so they can keep their power.   Trump may upset that power.   Bernie would have also, but thanks to super delegates that were originally designed to get Hillary the nomination in 2008, he will not.   

The republican elitist believe they are the power and are willing to lose the presidential election to keep their power and this includes Paul Ryan, the present House Speaker that many thought was not one of the so called elitist, but now know the truth. 
Now you know why the Brits voted the way they did, even though those that voted to stay claim that only a 4% difference does not mean they should leave the EU and are attempting to petition Parliament for another referendum.   Since that will not work, they are calling those that voted to leave, racist, Islamaphobic, xenophobic and any other derogatory names they can think.  Naturally, the liberal media in our country have their reporters doing the same thing.  Just wait, if Trump gets elected the names they will call those who voted for him.  Liberals cannot accept being wrong on anything and will go to any length to prove they are right and everyone is wrong. 
They have yet to accurately report the unrest in Venezuela that shows to the world that socialism does not work, but they like to blame the opposition to socialism as radicals refusing to accept socialism.  Again, only the elitist in Venezuela are not suffering.  Sounds familiar.  

The same media will not report accurately Hillary’s lies, Email scandals and the Clinton Criminal Foundation corruption of quid pro quo.  But instead calls those of us who want to stop illegal immigration and the problems associated with this as we are witnessing in Europe, calling us racist and Islamaphobic.  Again however, we also believe in our own sovereignty.  What the liberals want, Hillary and Obama included, is a world government and no country borders so one can travel anywhere and live anywhere without any passport or other infringement.  The Brits finally woke up to what they were witnessing in their country and wanted to put a stop to that.  The democrats in our country cannot see the light and believe all the illegals they can let in will eventually become citizens and increase the democratic voting base.  They are not concerned about our country, but it is all about maintaining power and our constitution and country be dammed.  Think about that and you will come to the same conclusion.  You do not matter, their power over you is their top priority.  That is why we had the revolutionary war against such tyranny and why our Founding Fathers gave us our constitution and Bill of Rights that seem to inflame the liberal/Marxist in the Democratic Party.  It is time for America to wake up to what is happening to their freedoms that once lost may never come back. Again, WAKE UP!

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