Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The Redacting that wasn’t

First we had AG Loretta Lynch go on all news stations on Sunday discussing the releasing the 911 tapes from the Orlando shooting, minus of course any reference to Islam, ISIS and other references related to Islam.   However, due to pressure from all sources, they had to release part of the transcripts related to this shooting.  There is still approximately 20 minutes not released.  This only goes to prove the extent this administration will go in covering up any reference to Islamic terrorism, Islam, ISIS that may have been in impetus for these terrorist attacks we have seen in San Bernardino, Ft. Hood, Chattanooga, and Orlando among other attacks.

As I have said many times, our great leader was raised a Muslim, loyal to Islam and only claimed to be a Christian after he met his wife.  Sat in a church listening to hate speech from the pastor that actually encouraged the dislike that Obama has for our country that also reflects the hate his father had for our country.  Again, living “The Dreams of My Father”.

We can say with 100% accuracy that if any of these attacks were caused by Christians, Jews or any other religious groups, this administration would have been out in front assailing these groups.  But we know these attacks had nothing to do with terrorism, but with law abiding citizens owning or purchasing guns. How dare any citizen do such a thing.  Don’t gun buyers know that when they purchase a weapon, they are contributing to the violence in Chicago and encouraging terrorist acts?  How dare anyone purchase a weapon for protection when, if you surrender your constitutional rights, the government will protect you.  Of course, in the above mentioned terrorist attacks in military installations, the government did not respond as believed.   And if you expect law enforcement to respond instantaneously, you are living in a dream. 

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