Friday, June 10, 2016

The presumptive presidential nominees.

We have narrowed both parties choice for president to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.  Both are rich, but their riches have been obtained differently.  

Donald Trump earned his money through business deals in real estate development and lately buying and restoring golf courses.  He was given money to start on his own and increased that stipend into multi-billions. Something you would expect and the reason people go into business.  

Hillary Clinton and her husband earned their money through “pay to play” or through donations to the Clinton Criminal Foundation.  That is, give us money and we will give a job, a position or permission to conduct engage in business deals with our government, or the government of a foreign nation.  They have been operating a criminal empire and put themselves in position of power when she was Secretary of State.  Of course, this also goes back to their days in Arkansas and again selling sleepovers in the White House. 

The Clinton's claimed to be broke when they left the White House, but have used the Clinton Foundation as way to funnel money into their coffers.  Thus, they can travel and use the Clinton Criminal Foundation to pay their travel expenses.  So, travel to give a paid speech, and then take a nice vacation all on the foundation expense sheet.  But, they must also use some of the foundation money for charitable donations, but that is limited and some of the money goes to friends of Bill and Hillary charities. 

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