Sunday, June 25, 2017

The Democrats, Health Care and Republicans

The republicans roll out the Senate version of their healthcare, and before it was even seen the democratic leaders, Pelosi and Schumer, were telling us with this plan you will die.  In addition to Pocahontas and Bernie Sanders.  Now, those of us that have been following this folly know that to pass legislation you need the approval of both houses.  Except if you are a democratic controlled congress where you can pass it on Christmas Eve.  

We have the beginning of the republican version of healthcare that they have been working on for months and not 7 years as they claimed after Obamacare was passed.  We have the democrats that refuse to cooperate and suggest their ideas for this legislative.  Instead they are refusing to cooperate, continue their role as obstructionist and have their members fight, resist and basically commit assault and battery against their opposition.  

This is all being done while Obamacare is imploding with outrageous premium, excessive high deductibles and lack of insurers and doctors that will accept Obamacare.  It is obvious the democrats are more interested in being obstructionist over working to make lives better for the citizens.   The party must come first over the country.
Not that the republicans are saints.  They lied to the American people that they had a repeal and replacement bill ready to go.  But, when it came time to put up, they had to go into conference to develop one.  When you have weak leadership in the House and Senate from both parties, this is what you get.  These four leaders should all step aside and give the people leaders that believe in the constitution as written and not interpreted according to their ideology and will fight for the people and not their party.  
You are now getting a better idea what Trump meant when he said “Drain the Swamp”.  The do nothings that make their decisions on getting themselves and their party elected. 
Government must get out of the healthcare business.  The people must decide what type of insurance they want to purchase, what type of premiums they are willing to pay and what type of deductible they want.  They need increase competition so the people should be able to choose healthcare from across state lines, just like auto insurance and not be restricted to one or two companies.  

We have Medicaid to aid the poor and low income citizens in seeking medical help and it should be under the control of the states.  In addition, every state as a Department of Health where your income determines your payment.  That is why the states must be in control of Medicaid and develop a plan that will meet the need of those less fortunate.  

Government is 100% guaranteed to screw things up.  As President Reagan once said, “Government is the problem.”

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