Sunday, June 18, 2017

Memo to Donald Trump

You know the democrats do not want you as president even though you won the election.  They would rather overthrow you presidency and install a president they want.  To do that, they will go after you, Pence and Ryan to get what they want.  They do not believe in a fair election when their candidate is not elected even though Hillary was a poor choice for a candidate.  It is the constitution be dammed to get what they want.  Their leaders, Pelosi and Schumer have repeated their chant of resistance and fight your administration on all things.

You also must remember what RINO means, Republican In Name Only.  That is why your legislative agenda is not going anywhere.  You are a threat to them and their comfortable elected positions.  You are asking them to actually accomplish something.  The House and Senate intelligence committees are really mislabeled.  They should be the House and Senate unintelligent committees.  We have seen over the past few months hearings that have proven you have not been in collusion with Russia on the election and you have not obstructed any investigation.  However, since these committees are dominated by republicans that are mostly RINO’s they will not shut down, but continue until the democrats get what they want, your removal or your administration failure to live up to your campaign promises so they have ammunition for the 2018 and 2020 elections.  The dumb republicans are clueless on the democratic agenda since they are only interested in themselves.  The democrats are running the show.  

What we are witnessing is a destruction of our Republic by the democrats who like the republicans are only interested themselves and their seat in congress. 
Former President Obama pushed his destructive agenda against our Republic, but did not have the complete success and was counting on Hillary to continue his agenda of destruction.  Something she would do since Obama had a ton of dirt on her that would lead to her removal as president that he could release if she did not comply.  Remember, Obama was brought up by members of the communist party from his childhood by his grandparents and his mentor Frank Marshal Davis.  Mr. Davis also founded a communist newspaper in Chicago.  He was also a close friend of Valerie Jarrett’s father.  This explains her close relationship with Obama.  And we know Obama was good friends with the radical bombers of the 1960’s Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dorn who were instrumental in getting him to run for political office.
These people are avowed communist, Obama was raised by communist and his close relationships are with communist.  That is why he has the group Organizing for Action working on our destruction.  I will add the communist party is more known today as Progressives.  Enough said.  

Your AG Sessions appears to be weak and not asserting himself and unless he will unexcused himself from these investigations that have no validity.  He should have Mueller removed and begin the investigation into the Clinton Criminal Foundation.  Hillary’s use of a private server containing confidential secret Emails and the uranium Russia deal, seems to indicate criminal behavior is acceptable if you are a Clinton.   You need an assertive AG like Rep. Trey Gowdy or Sen. Ted Cruz who are not afraid to ask changeling questions.   Naturally, the Senate would love to get rid of Ted Cruz, a thorn in their side.  

This brings us to Rep. Paul Ryan and Sen. Majority leader Mitch McConnell who are not your fans and do not want you to succeed and never supported you.  You are asking them to pass legislation they are afraid to do.  Remember, in 2015 Congress passed a repeal Obamacare legislation that Obama vetoed.   Anyone with a half brain knew that would happen.  So, my question is, “Why can’t they pass the same legislation that they know Trump will sign”.  Because, they know Trump will sign it.  That is why Ryan is proposing a three step process that we all know will not work and is a piece of BS and trying to sell it.  

President Trump, you are being fooled and misled by these two congressional leaders.  You are a threat to them and their positions so that is why they will delay and destroy your agenda.   They only believe in themselves first and not the country. 

If your administration fails, the swamp will not be drained, and the republicans and democrats will go our an party.

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