Thursday, June 1, 2017

Terrorism and abortion

We are again witnessing the radical Islamic terrorist creating more havoc and death in their recent attack in Manchester, England where 22 people have been killed and over 75 injured. We are all appalled by these terrorist acts that kill through such violence regardless of the age of the victim.  As terrible as this is, death through violent acts should never be permitted and should be met by all measures to prevent this from happening.  

So the world is shocked whenever this form of violence occurs, but seem to shrug their shoulders when a living human being in the womb is killed through a violent act we call abortion. 

Both acts kill through a violent act, one where the perpetrator use a weapon, bomb or other device designed to kill and inflict a large number of casualties while the other is designed to kill and has created a large number of casualties, approximately 54 million since Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision.

If something is growing in the womb, isn’t it alive and has human parents and don’t human beings have human rights.  Then it follows they are live human beings.  Since abortion kills them, then abortion can be considered a violation of human rights.

But, we offer all forms of excuses for the abortion and the terrorist offers his excuse that he is doing God’s work to kill the infidel or non-believer in Islam.  But, we all know, both are doing Satan’s work.

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