Saturday, June 17, 2017

Fundamentally Transforming America?

We now know what former President Obama meant when he said he wanted to “Fundamentally Transform America”.  He was unable to achieve his plan completely, so with the help of his group Organizing for Action, funding of George Soros and contribution of the radical left we are witnessing the results of his actions.  That is, the political onslaught against Trump and his administration with false allegations in an attempt to overthrow a duly elected president that was not in the plans of Fundamentally Transforming America.  This has led to the threats against republicans with physical violence against their supporters, and now assassination threats and attempts against republicans elected officials.  Of course, the words of Pelosi and Schumer that they are going to resist and fight against Trump and the republicans just adds flames to the fire.  Not to mention Hillary and Loretta Lynch saying similar words. 
For politics, we are not seeing what we have been witnessing in 3rd world countries.  This is the way of the left.  The democratic left have taken control of the Democratic Party.  Just listen to the language of the new leader of the DNC, Tom Perez, who spreads his hateful vile in his speeches.  These radicals must be defeated, not through violence, but through the voting booth.  We must send the democrats the message that this hate will not be tolerated.  The MSM will not take action, but just support the democrats and the radicals in their actions.  It is up to you the American citizen to send the message or we will wake up some day and wonder what happen.  Just like the people in Germany said in the 1930’s.

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