Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Red State vs. Blue State and Socialism

As we begin to open up our country from what has been a devastating impact on our economy, we see where the blue states are still restricting businesses from opening while red states are moving ahead to get their economy booming again.  There have been many ideas thrown out there why the blue states are resisting opening while the citizens of these states are out either demonstrating demanding to be free and business opening in defiant of the governors orders.  Could it be intentional to slow the economy from opening and booming again in order to weaken President Trump and benefit brain dead Biden?  In reality, these democratic socialist governors are only hurting their state and not only will their residents begin moving out but large business may even move to a more business friendly state.  We will also see these states being sued since some of their orders are in direct conflict with our constitution and Bill of Rights.  As we witness what the Socialist Democratic Party has been doing for many years, we see where their interpretation of the constitution is entirely different from what our Founders wrote and approved.  They do not believe that our rights come from God, but should come from government.  We see the impact of government controlled rights today just by witnessing what the communist government of China is doing to Hong Kong.  Remember, socialism, communism, Marxism and progressivism are all the same.  Power in the hands of government not the people.
In November of 1863, President Lincoln gave his Gettysburg address wherein he stated “that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
What we are witnessing today, is a push to change how we govern from a Democratic Republic to a socialist government where rights from God be dammed and the government will be in control.  The Green New Deal is just a perfect example of this.  Under this plan, government will tell you what you can drive, eat, where you can live and if your job is in keeping with this new deal guidelines.  In other words, government will tell you where you can eat and shit.  This coming election in November will decide if you want to remain free or become a subject of government.  We fought this type of government in 1776.  The democratic socialist are well aware that the people will not surrender their rights so the only way they can gain control of government is through mail in balloting.  If you think mail in balloting will not be corrupt, I know bridge in Brooklyn that just went up for sale.  When political activist get their hands on these ballots you can rest assured there will be ballot tampering.  Going to a voting booth to cast your ballot is the only way you can make sure your ballot will not be altered unless of course there is a computer program that can alter the vote tally if voting is done by computer and not a paper ballot.  But, even this type of voting is inspected numerous times and based on the 2016 election it is safe from outside interference. 
So, this coming election really comes down to government control of you as we see in the blue states or free as guaranteed in the constitution and red states.  Do you want a bunch of bureaucrats dictating what you can and cannot do or do you want our constitution and yourself deciding what you can or cannot do?   And if you are not familiar with George Orwell’s book, 1984, I suggest you find a copy and read it before the November election.  We are witnessing what he wrote in 1949 today.  Spying on the citizens from government and private industry, using drones, cameras and tapping into our computers, cellphones and if you think Alexia is not storing you information you are badly mistaken.  What China is doing in Hong Kong today and what we see in Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea is the road these socialist want us to travel.  These bureaucrats have control of Biden telling him what he can do or say.  Even though his thought process is a little foggy.  Little may not be the right word, but we are being kind to him.  If elected, Biden will not last long, so who he selects as VP will become president and this selection will not be made by Biden.  The bureaucrats will make sure their selection is a person they will have complete control.  They will be deciding your fate, not the president.   The election of Trump has put a dent in this swamp of unelected bureaucrats and they will do whatever it takes to gain back control.  If Trump is re-elected, then all their efforts thru Mueller investigation, collusion, and the phony impeachment failed, but they will not stop at derailing Trump.  So you can expect more lies and false accusations from the socialist and their publicity arm, the lying news media all the way thru November and maybe beyond.  However, the Barr/Durham investigation will expose this swamp and the American people will see this deep state and how they operate and hopefully all this will start coming out by August at the latest.  What acting DNI Grenell has declassified so far gives us how deep this corruption was and hopefully, the new DNI, John Ratcliffe will continuing exposing the corruption from the Obama administration.  Time will tell.

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