Sunday, May 3, 2020

None dare call it Treason

We are learning that the Michael Flynn debacle was just that.  Corruption at the highest level of the FBI, DOJ, intelligence agencies, Brennan and Clapper, as well as others not yet fully identified personnel in the White House.  None of this could be done without the approval of Obama.  Obama did not like Flynn because he was going to expose the corruption in the intelligence agencies.  Joe Biden also knew about this, but we cannot be sure if he even can remember yesterday.  This was and also still is ongoing with members of congress as well as the corrupt news media to overthrow a duly elected President of the United States.  Known as silent coup, this is actually Treason.  When the Durham/Barr investigation is finally made public around September, hopefully sooner, these individuals must be prosecuted and sent to the big house.  But, as the day draws closer to exposure, you can rest assured some of these individuals will start singing like birds to avoid many years in prison.  This is always the case when people try to save their butt. 
We can hope that the judge in the Flynn case will throw out his conviction before President Trump pardon’s him.  Then, Flynn must sue the ass off of all these individuals personally as well at the agencies involved and the Federal Government. Bankrupt these individuals and let them suffer while they contemplate their future behind bars. 
The swamp has been exposed by President Trump as he promised during his campaign and the swamp is pushing back with these phony investigations.  But, the truth will win with Trump.  Just think on how corrupt our government was and parts that still are.  With these swamp people it is and was all about power and control over you and the constitution be dammed.  The lying Pelosi and corrupt Adam Schiff are just two examples of the swamp.

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