Monday, May 18, 2020

Socialist Democrats want to control you and you may not realize this.

 The 1st Amendment gives us freedom of speech, but that is being slowly taken away by some governments classifying many things as “hate speech”, and the latest is words, “China Virus”. There is no such thing as hate speech in our constitution and years ago, we could call people what many would consider offensive names, but it was free speech. Yes, yelling out fire in a crowded room when there is no fire would not be covered as this can panic and cause injuries or death to people.  But calling people various names that was done years ago, even though many of us would not approve, was what made this country great.  Instead of being taken out behind the barn and shot, this speech was protected.  Now it seems that local, state and even the federal government want certain speech restricted and are calling this type of speech hate speech. 

As we are witnessing today, we now see how the Obama administration used all agencies of the federal government to spy on US citizens and even attempted to overthrow a duly elected president.  Another violation of our constitution and due process.  We had the IRS spying on conservative groups and Obama and company going after news reporters where they did not approve of their reporting.  And if case you did not fully understand operation Fast and Furious, it was not just about tracing guns going from the US to Mexico, but the real reason was to show how our “loose” gun laws were allowing guns to be shipped to Mexico and used in crimes.  This was supposed to be the impetus for restricting our 2nd Amendment rights.   Now we all know, the constitution cannot be changed without a constitutional amendment, but we are seeing where this is being ignored by various states as they impose their beliefs on how they interpret the constitution.  The constitution must be interpreted as written, but many socialist believe it should be interpreted to meet today’s standards and no amendment is required. They know that no amendment restricting the Bill of Rights would not past today.  But if we fail to speak out on what is happening today, it may happen in the future and we will regret losing these rights that will never come back.  Over 20 years ago, Obama was quoted that all our rights should come from government and not God as indicated in our constitution. 

Years ago a person wrote a book where he wrote: “The best way to take control over people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions.  In this way, the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed”.

The book was Mein Kampf and the author Adolf Hitler.  We know how that worked out.

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