Saturday, May 9, 2020

Michael Flynn and Intelligence Reports.

The release of the intelligence transcripts show the plot to overthrow an elected presidential administration as well as the corruption in the FBI and DOJ and other government agencies.  As reported, there will be more release of intelligent records next week as we see what the Durham/Barr investigation has and will uncover.  Criminal activity at the highest level of our government including the White House.  One name that has not been mentioned yet is Valerie Jarrett.  You can rest assured, she was one of the top echelons behind this entire operation.  We now see the lying news media blasting Barr for dropping the prosecution of Flynn, but the release of the Intelligence Committee transcripts and the 53 interviews conducted under oath show there was no crime there and this was all concocted to remove a duly elected president who was going to expose “the swamp” in Washington.  Flynn pleaded guilty to a crime he did not commit to prevent the FBI from concocting a criminal charge against his son and these transcripts show he did not commit a crime.  We are now a witness to how deep this swamp was and still is today.  This includes the news media that has been lying and deceiving the American people for years as they have been carrying the torch for the Socialist Democratic Party.  The lying news media will not admit to their deception and will continue to push out the lies.  Honest Journalism is dead in this country and the American people are being fed lie upon lie.  The leaders in this conspiracy are CNN and MSNBC or MSDNC as some like to call this organization.  Of course ABC, NBC and CBS are also deeply involved, but these two cable networks are spilling out the lies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
By the way, we also know from the intelligence releases why there was a shortage of toilet paper.  Adam Schiff who is so full of crap was out there purchasing every 

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