Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The Republican Convention

It has become obvious that the so called republican establishment as well as the republican elite are out to see the republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, loses.  

Yesterday, members of the Never Trump movement attempted to change the convention rules to give all delegates the chance to vote their conscious.  If delegates are sent to a convention to vote their conscious, why have a primary campaign where the candidate with the most votes wins.  This is a case where the party prefers the candidate they want over what the people voted for in the primaries.   There were 17 candidates that started in the republican primary and only one received the required 1237 votes to clinch the nomination.  In fact, he received approximately 300 votes over the requirement.  Now, if the Republican Party wanted another candidate, then they should have done what the democrats did and have super delegates earmarked to Hillary regardless what Bernie did and requested some of the 17 candidates to drop out to give others a chance to overcome what they saw happening with voters going for Trump.  With super delegates they would have made sure the candidate they wanted would receive these votes and maybe Trump would not have received the required 1237.  But, we all know that means the primary was fixed and the voters had no choice regardless who they voted for.  

Hillary was the designated candidate for the democrats since 2008 and this is the reason she did not want to appear on television after the Benghazi attack claiming a video was the reason, so Susan Rice was selected and there would be no video recording of Hillary lying to the American people.  But we all know we have video at other events of that for nearly two weeks afterwards and now have Emails that show she was lying.  So the democrats are going to nominate for president a liar, hypocrite, dishonest and corrupt person to lead our country.  Goes to show, it is more about power and not the country with the democrats.  Based on her record, Hillary will destroy this country and God help your children and grandchildren as it will take 50 to 70 years to recover back to our constitution as world history has shown this time span to be about average.  But, it will not be the constitution many of us have defended and many have died since its inception in 1989.   

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