Friday, July 15, 2016

Nice terrorist attack

Again in Europe especially France, we are witnessed to the carnage of another mass murder by a Radically Islamist Terrorist.  Whether he was part of a group or an individual that was radicalized does not matter as this was Islamic Terrorism.  

But we know, our great leader will come out and ask us not to jump to conclusions as all the facts are not in.  But, he does jump to conclusions in police shooting incidents.  

So, after terrorist attacks in our country, we had our great leader and other socialist/Marxist call for a ban on guns as if that would prevent terrorist attacks.  I guess now we are going to ban trucks.  Those of us with a little brain power know that all the so called gun regulations these people are pushing would not have prevented any of these terrorist attacks.  But, if we did not have gun free zones, results may have been different.  However, I do know, law abiding citizens that own guns, did not cause these terrorist attacks.  Political Correctness is the main culprit.  God forbid we offend someone.  Who knows what is crossing our borders since we cannot verify those entering.  Open borders destroys countries as we are witnessing what we see in the EU today.  

What we do know with certainty, Hillary Clinton will follow the policies of Obama that is a contributing factor in these terrorist attacks we see in our country and Europe.  Our weak military response and not leading is making other doubt our commitment and what the other countries want is for us to take the lead as the #1 military in the world.  We lead, as we have done for many years, others will follow and bring full commitment of their forces.  These countries are looking for us to lead, but instead, our great leader is weak and helpless.  He has allowed his Marxist/Alinsky ideology to get in the way.  Wake up America.

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