Thursday, July 7, 2016

Comey hearing before Congress

So, FBI Director Comey sits in front of a congressional hearing and we heard some unbelievable testimony. 

It appears, according to Comey, that Hillary was unaware she was handling confidential, classified or Top Secret Emails.  Unbelievable!  And this person wants to be president, but lacks knowledge what information is considered classified.  Also, the Hillary server was less secure than a regular Gmail account that is used by many people around the world. Again, this person wants to be president. 
We already know from Comey’s statement on Tuesday that it is believed her Email accounts had been accessed by foreign entities and again I say, “This incompetent person wants to be president”.

This is so outrageous.  There are no words that can describe my feelings or the feelings or anyone else that has been following this debacle.  Of course, naturally if you are a democratic supporter of Hillary, you will say, just like in the Benghazi lies, “Nothing to see here, let’s move on”.

But, rest assured as Comey said Tuesday, if you or me as a government employee did what Hillary did with confidential information or even one tenth of what Hillary did, we would be prosecuted just as others have in the previous years. 

It also seems, based on what Comey stated today at this hearing, that he believes the law passed by Congress for gross negligence is wrong and one must have intent to commit a crime.  I guess, intentionally installing your own private server to avoid FOIA request, telling your staff to remove confidential label from Emails they will be sending to Hillary and having your lawyers destroy evidence is not intentional.  At least the planet I grew up on would indicate this was intent.  Since when does the Director of the FBI tell congress he will not enforce laws he does not agree with. 
I guess, you can commit murder, theft, run red lights etc. and when apprehended you can claim you did not know what you did was against the law.  Same defense Hillary is using and it appears Comey agrees.  So, have fun out there since Hillary and Comey have given you your defense against legal action.   

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