Sunday, July 10, 2016

Hillary, Obama and the police assassinations

It appears Hillary Clinton is all over the map on the recent two shootings by police and the assassinations of 5 police officers and wounding of 7 more.  At one point she states white people should walk in the shoes of blacks and then people should not vilify police in all shootings.  It seems Hillary is trying to play both sides.  If Hillary wants to walk in anyone’s shoes, she should put on a police uniform, strap on a gun and then get involved in hairy situations and make that split second decision whether or not to draw a gun or to use a gun and hope you have made the correct decision.  It easy to criticize police shootings initially without knowing all the facts.  (Take note President Obama and your violent followers)  We saw that with the Cambridge incident where Obama claimed the police acted stupidly, or Treyvon Martin and Ferguson MO, as well as Ft. Hood, Chattanooga and San Bernadine to name other incidents.  

Are there police officers that screw up, most definitely.  But that is why we have these incidents investigated by local, state and federal authorities.  That is how our system works.  All are innocent until proven guilty.  Due process must be followed.  Contrary to what these radicals breach and some in the mainstream media, there are police officers that have been prosecuted and given jail time.  The system works.  It may not work the way one likes, but it works.  This is not the Democratic Party controlled south where under their leadership, there was no justice, just hangings or bodies buried.  That statement is not false rhetoric, but facts based on documentation.  By the way, Dinesh De Souza has a documentary film coming out at the end of this month detailing this type of democratic corruption.  In essence, documenting true history not the changed history the democrats have been pushing.  Worth seeing. 

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