Sunday, July 24, 2016

Republican National Convention, (RNC) Democratic National Convention (DNC) and another Email Scandal

First we had the RNC where we witness some disruption on the first day as some delegates attempted to change the rules.  Members of the Never Trump movement attempted to change the convention rules to give all delegates the chance to vote their conscious.  If delegates are sent to a convention to vote their conscious, why have a primary campaign where the candidate with the most votes wins.  This is a case where the party prefers the candidate they want over what the people voted for in the primaries.   There were 17 candidates that started in the republican primary and only one received the required 1237 votes to clinch the nomination.  In fact, he received approximately 400 votes over the requirement.  Now, if the Republican Party wanted another candidate, then they should have done what the democrats did and have super delegates earmarked to Hillary regardless what Bernie did and requested some of the 17 candidates to drop out to give others a chance to overcome what they saw happening with voters going for Trump.  With super delegates they would have made sure the candidate they wanted would receive these votes and maybe Trump would not have received the required 1237.  But, we all know that means the primary was fixed and the voters had no choice regardless who they voted for.  

Now we know officially that Trump is the republican candidate and has chosen Mike Pence, governor of Indiana and former House and Senate member.  This pick can balance the ticket from the boisterous Trump to the more refined Pence.

Throughout the primary battle between all candidates, there were times some of the language got down to cutter level, something we have seen in not only previous primaries lately as well as the general election.  We saw the candidates throw allegations and innuendos against each other while at the time Ted Cruz attempted to stay above the fray.   But, we all know as in every campaign, one cannot stay away from such rhetoric.  It was a shame what was said about Ted’s father and wife, but we also must admit, even if Ted did not respond in like kind, other candidates or news media did.  Should The Donald had apologized for his rhetoric?  I think he should have, especially after listening to all his children sing his praises as the type of father he is.  But, The Donald probably believes an apology would show weakness, although I think it would show strength.  But, what do I know.  

If Ted Cruz used this speech to maybe be the candidate in 2020, I believe he is making a mistake.  If Trump wins this election, there is no way either Ted or Marco should consider even running unless Trump decides to be a one term president.  In that case, Pence would be the nominee if he performs as expected.  At least Marco Rubio endorsed Trump even though he received some of the brunt of the rhetoric.  But, this primary we could see that Rubio was not ready for primetime.  After last night, even though Cruz had hurt feelings, he at least could have said the following:  “We have a choice this election between a candidate that embraces Marxist ideology who adores Saul Alinsky and wrote her thesis on this person.  Of course, we cannot see this thesis as she refuses to release it over the last 30 years.  So we are left with a choice of a left radical candidate in Hillary that believes government knows better and has lied her way and defrauded the American people for over 30 years or a capitalist that believes the people know better”.
This did not happen, so why did Cruz even attend this convention.  Ted Cruz knows if Hillary wins, our country is gone and will become a dictatorship where the president will circumvent congress with executive orders or through government agencies where these agencies will go after their opposition.  Something you see in a banana republic. 

So now, we are going to witness the DNC that originally was supposed to be a smooth convention with no belligerent rhetoric against fellow democrats.  However, we are now witnessing another Email scandal where the democratic committee under the leadership of Debbie Wasserman Schultz, where she and other committee members were Emailing each other on how to stop Bernie Sanders from ever becoming the democratic nominee.  One of the Emails included a reference to his Hebrew faith and how some people in a certain state could be encouraged to be anti-Jewish by promoting Bernie’s religion.    

Hillary was the designated candidate for the democrats since 2008 and this is the reason she did not want to appear on television after the Benghazi attack claiming a video was the reason.  So Susan Rice was selected and there would be no video recording of Hillary lying to the American people.  But we all know we have video at other events for nearly two weeks afterwards and now have Emails that show she was lying.  So the democrats are going to nominate for president a liar, hypocrite, dishonest and corrupt person to lead our country.  Goes to show, it is more about power and not the country with the democrats.  Based on her record, Hillary will destroy this country and God help your children and grandchildren as it will take 50 to 70 years to recover back to our constitution as world history has shown this time span to be about average.  But, it will not be the constitution many of us have defended and many have died since its inception in 1789.   

What the latest WikiLeaks Emails show is the democrats conspired to thwart Bernie from ever getting the nomination.  This is all about power and control and not about representing the people who elected them.  

At the beginning of both party’s campaigns, the establishment and elite in both parties had hand-picked their candidates, the democrats Hillary and the republicans, Jeb Bush.  If not Jeb, then John Kasich or anybody but Trump, Cruz or Fiorina.  Although, I supported Cruz and Fiorina, Trump was my 3rd choice since I do did not like having to vote for someone hand-picked by the party elite over what the people wanted.  The Republican Party did that in 2008 and 2012 and we saw how that worked out.  But Bernie could not defeat the democratic machine, but Trump did to the dismay of many in the Republican Party.   

We saw at the republican convention some lukewarm support for Trump from the establishment.  For the voters, this is an opportunity to let the establishment in both parties know, they are through with their selections and that the primaries should actually be the people’s choice and not the establishments as we have witnessed in the Democratic Party.  Of course, the democrats made sure the candidates would be limited to give Hillary the better chance.  However, they miscalculated on the effect the Bern would have.

It will be interesting to follow the democratic convention and see if the Bernie supporters will show their displeasure for the underhanded actions the so called elite screwed their candidate.  

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