Wednesday, September 4, 2013

When is a Red Line not a Red Line?

Very simple to answer.  A Red line is not A Red line when President Obama says it is or is not.  This president is spineless and this latest statement on him claiming he did not say a Red Line but the world said a Red line is more BS from him to avoid responsibility. This president realizes he as usual put his foot in his mouth and now he is doing his best to distance himself from his own statement.  As usual, this president is blaming someone else for his actions since he can do no wrong but it is always something else's fault.  He cannot be trusted on anything and anybody that supports this president on the Syrian issue can rest assured that at some time he will blame Congress for giving him permission to attack Syria.   

Also, everyone must understand, that according to the constitution, Congress can declare war and it is the Commander-in-Chief that can run the war as he sees fit.  So, any suggestion from this administration that boots will not be on the ground is just a bunch of baloney.  If the Commander-in-Chief believes he needs boots on the ground, there will be boots on the ground and everyone in his administration knows this as well as many if not all members of Congress.  So, in essence, you are being lied to by this administration and our elected officials that tell you otherwise. 

Just think about this, when was the last time this president and even his administration actually took responsibility for anything that may have gone wrong?  The answer is never.  As long as he has the news media swooning over him and protecting him, you will not get the truth.  Wake up and search for the truth and not rely on our elected officials and especially this administration.  The truth is out there if you get off your butt and not rely on someone else misleading you.  And that includes what I write.  Just check out and verify what you are being told.  You may be surprised.

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