Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Our Amazing President continues

This president is at war with republicans in congress but reaches out to the Iran and seeks a relationship with the Islamic government.  We know Iran is the world sponsor of terrorism and is determined to bring terror to the United States and Israel.  Iran is also determined to develop nuclear weapons and use that weapon against its' adversaries.  And guess who their two main adversaries are?  The sanctions against Iran are working and Iran will do their best to engage in talks just like N. Korea did to get those sanctions reduced even though they have no intention of stopping their nuclear program.  Iran sees this weakness in our international responses and our failure to respond in Benghazi that has sent a message to all our adversaries.  So, they will talk while continuing to engage in their efforts to develop nuclear weapons.  Remember when watching one hand, what is the other hand doing.    

One would think that our illustrious president would want to reach out to the republicans for mutual understanding for the betterment of the country working within our constitution rather than engage in divisive rhetoric that will only cause the opposition to respond similarly.  He talks tough on domestic issues, but is spineless on world issues that will eventually result in confrontations that only through strength can be avoided.  But, when these confrontations take place, he may not be in office or if he is, he will not have the courage to respond with the appropriate force necessary to accomplish the task.  He hesitated on the surge in Iraq, was not concerned with Benghazi but more concerned with fund raising, shows more interest in the Treyvon Martin case, but ignores the violence running rampant in the city of Chicago.  He has demonstrated weakness and the world governments both friendly and foe are well aware of this.  He is, I believe, intentionally destroying this country's leadership in the world and domestically through regulations that are strangling business.   

The IRS scandal, NSA scandal, EPA rules and Obamacare are just three examples of this government moving to control every aspect of our lives and dictating on how we must live.  Not to mention in our schools by forcing Common Core introduced into our schools in brainwashing our children that government is the answer not your parents. 



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