Monday, September 9, 2013

Fundamentally transform the United States

These words were uttered by the then candidate Obama in 2007 and a few days before the 2008 election.  Many did not pay attention to these words and today we are seeing exactly what he meant. 

Regulations upon regulations, racial divide, high unemployment or even better less than 63% participating in the workforce, the lowest in over 50 years.  In essence his domestic policies have been a failure if you look at his policies as citizen of the United States who believes in hard work, and little government interference in job creation and employers and employees.  Actually, this is exactly what this president wanted as he moves or attempts to move this country into a more socialist society and socialist form of government.  Through the use of executive orders and agency rules and regulations, he is accomplishing what he wanted.   

A look at his international failures only brings his agenda more into focus.  His whole life he was taught in school beginning in Indonesia and then through college here where he was taught hatred of this country and that the United States was and is responsible for all the problems in the world.  Not, communism, socialism, fascism, Marxism, radical Islamist, but the United States.  That is why he is doing his best to degrade this country in all aspects that brought us success, reduce our military, prevent further expansion of energy through drilling except he has been unable to stop production on private lands, but he is working on that by having the EPA and Dept. of Energy try and come up with roadblocks.  Remember it was this president that want to Brazil and gave them $2 billion dollars for deep water offshore drilling, something he has prevented in our waters and added that the United States cannot wait until the oil flows and we can become a big consumer of their oil.  Yet all energy gurus have indicated that we have more energy in the ground that all the other energy producing countries and could be energy independent within a short time if we permit exploration, but this president does not want that since it is not in keeping with his plans to bring us down.  That is why he runs up our debt, soon to be $17 Trillion and no end in sight while the wimpy republicans refuse to have a backbone and are more interested in keeping their job rather than fight for the constitution and the oath they took to defend this country from both enemies foreign and domestic.   

Just research who this president has surrounded himself with and you will see that they have little respect for this country, our history and our constitution.  Of course, that will require a little effort to find the truth.  Even though  this president is clueless on addressing international issues, as we have seen in Egypt, Libya and Syria today as well as Iran in 2009, he is more sympathetic to Muslims over Christians and Jews.  After, all we have seen and heard of numerous attacks on Christians and their churches in the Middle East over the last 2 years and yet this president has not spoken out against these attacks.  But, let someone attack a Mosque and watch the reaction.  I hope we can survive the next 3 years of his presidency and the spineless republicans who are suppose to be his opposition. 

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