Monday, September 30, 2013

Don't Blame Me for anything.

We have a president that is willing to meet with supporters of terrorism from the governments of Iran and Syria and with Russia Prime Minister Putin who puts up roadblocks to any Middle East solution, but will not walk across the street to negotiate with republicans on budgetary issues, but would rather see a government shutdown.  We see that his Middle East initiatives have been a failure and it seems he likes to keep that average going for domestic issues.  In his first four years, former President Bush, Tsunami, mall kiosk's were the problem and today it is republicans in Congress, Tea Party groups, Fox News and anybody else but the person he sees in the mirror.  Benghazi was blamed on a video no one saw, Fast and Furious on Bush Administration, IRS scandal on rogue agents in Cleveland, the AP and James Rosen spying scandal on no one even though DOJ AG signed off on the search warrants which the AG denied any knowledge.  The NSA was just a few thousand phone conversation and then we find out it was anyone with a cell phone or Email.  It seems this administration believes 320 million citizens may be potential terrorist.  Failure to take responsibility and the lies associated with all these scandals continue and the news media refuses to challenge the president's administration.  After all, how can we blame somebody who is infallible, walks on water and came to save us from our constitution that he does not believe in.   

And to make a final point, President Obama indicated many times after some of the mass shootings, that we must engage in civil conversation over inflammatory rhetoric.  Yet, we have seen this president and Sen. Harry Reid and Congresswomen Nancy Pelosi engage in such inflammatory rhetoric by calling republicans terrorist and anarchist.  Yet, this is the administration that refuses to call the Islamic terrorist that are killing hundreds of people actual terrorist because they do not want to use inflammatory rhetoric that might incite these individuals.  Like these Islamic radicals need anything to incite them.  But it okay to call our congressional representatives terrorist because they want to cut spending and provide for the common good of its citizens. 

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